3 Connecting to an arduino

To control an arduino device, a connection must be made to it by creating an arduino object.

3.1 Connecting to a single arduino

Assuming a single arduino device is connected to the computer, creating an arduino object with no arguments will find the connected arduino and connect to it:

ar = arduino()

3.2 Connecting to a specific arduino

Where multiple arduinos may be connected to the computer, a specific board can be connected by specifying the name of the port it is connected to:

ar = arduino("/dev/ttyACM0")

The port name will be operating system dependent.

3.3 Querying available arduinos

To list the ports of all programmed available arduinos, the scanForArduinos function can be used:


It will provide a list of all available boards it can find with the port they are connected to.


The scanForArduinos function will only detect boards that have been programmed using the arduinosetup command