1 Installing and loading

The Audio toolkit must be installed and then loaded to be used.

It can be installed in GNU Octave directly from octave-forge, or can be installed in an off-line mode via a downloaded tarball.

The toolkit has a dependency on the RTMIDI library (https://github.com/thestk/rtmidi), so it must be installed in order to successfully install the toolkit.

For Fedora: yum install rtmidi-devel

For Ubuntu: apt install librtmidi-dev

The toolkit must be then be loaded once per each GNU Octave session in order to use its functionality.

1.1 Windows install

If running in Windows, the package may already be installed, to check run:

pkg list audio

Otherwise it can be installed by installing the requirements and then using the online or offline install method.

1.2 Online Direct install

With an internet connection available, the Audio package can be installed from octave-forge using the following command within GNU Octave:

pkg install -forge audio

The latest released version of the toolkit will be downloaded and installed.

1.3 Off-line install

With the Audio toolkit package already downloaded, and in the current directory when running GNU Octave, the package can be installed using the following command within GNU Octave:

pkg install audio-2.0.5.tar.gz

1.4 Loading

Regardless of the method of installing the Audio toolkit, in order to use its functions, the toolkit must be loaded using the pkg load command:

pkg load audio

The toolkit must be loaded on each GNU Octave session.

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