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7.4.3 Working with composite types

This is a more complicated example with nested composite types.

# connect
conn = pq_connect (setdbopts ("dbname", "test"));

# create a first composite type, consisting of a boolean and an array of
# booleans
pq_exec_params (conn,
"create type complex_bool_array_type as (b bool, ba bool[]);")

# create a second composite type, consisting of a boolean and the first
# composite type
pq_exec_params (conn,
"create type complex_complex_bool_array_type as (b bool, c complex_bool_array_type);")

# create a table with one column, holding the second defined composite
# type
pq_exec_params (conn,
"create table complex_complex_bool_array (a complex_complex_bool_array_type);")

# to enable data exchange using the new types, update type infomation
pq_update_types (conn);

# construct a data element for an SQL array of booleans in Octave
d_arr = cell2struct ({2; {true, false; true, true}}, {"ndims", "data"})

# construct a data element for the first defined composite type in
# Octave
d_c1 = {true; d_arr};

# construct a data element for the second defined composite type in
# Octave
d_c2 = {false; d_c1};

# insert the data element of the second composite type into the table;
# note that in this case specification of the parameter type in
# `param_types' is necessary
pq_exec_params (conn,
                "insert into complex_complex_bool_array values ($1);",
                setdbopts ("param_types", {"complex_complex_bool_array_type"}))

# read contents of the table
result = pq_exec_params (conn, "select * from complex_complex_bool_array");

# only for demonstration purpouses, verify that the read data matches
# the element constructed in Octave;
# for this, the field `lbounds' is deleted from the returned data
# note that the verification would not work if we had constructed the
# data element with rows of cell-arrays instead of columns, which would
# also have been possible
rdata ={1};
rdata{2}{2} = rmfield (rdata{2}{2}, "lbounds");
isequal (d_c2, rdata)

# view returned column names

# view returned type information

# cleanup

pq_exec_params (conn, "drop table complex_complex_bool_array;")

pq_exec_params (conn, "drop type complex_complex_bool_array_type;")

pq_exec_params (conn, "drop type complex_bool_array_type;")

pq_close (conn);

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