Reference 2-D image to world coordinates.
Creates an imref2d object referencing a 2-D m-by-n image with the size imageSize to world coordinates. The world extent is either given by xWorldLimits and yWorldLimits or computed from pixelExtentInWorldX and pixelExtentInWorldY. imageSize is [2, 2] by default.
Intrinsic coordinates are x = 1.0, y = 1.0 in the center of the top left pixel and x = n, y = m in the center of the bottom right pixel. Spatial resolution in each dimension can be different.
imref2d object has the following properties:
ImageSize - two element integer vector with image height and width in pixels.
XWorldLimits - limits of the image along the x-axis in world units
specified as a two element real vector [xMin, xMax]
YWorldLimits - limits of the image along the y-axis in world units
specified as a two element real vector [yMin, yMax]
PixelExtentInWorldX - pixel extent along the x-axis in world units specified as a real scalar.
PixelExtentInWorldY - pixel extent along the y-axis in world units specified as a real scalar.
ImageExtentInWorldX - image extent along the x-axis in world units specified as a real scalar.
ImageExtentInWorldY - image extent along the y-axis in world units specified as a real scalar.
XIntrinsicLimits - limits of the image along the x-axis in intrinsic
units, equals to [n - 0.5, n + 0.5]
YIntrinsicLimits - limits of the image along the y-axis in intrinsic
units, equals to [m - 0.5, m + 0.5]
See also: imref3d.
Package: image