3.16 VXI11

3.16.1 @octave_vxi11/fclose

Function File: res = fclose (obj)

Closes VXI11 connection obj

3.16.2 @octave_vxi11/fopen

Function File: res = fopen (obj) (dummy)

Opens VXI11 connection obj This currently is a dummy function to improve compatibility to MATLAB

3.16.3 @octave_vxi11/fread

Function File: data = fread (obj)
Function File: data = fread (obj, size)
Function File: data = fread (obj, size, precision)
Function File: [data,count] = fread (obj, ...)
Function File: [data,count,errmsg] = fread (obj, ...)

Reads data from vxi11 instrument


obj is a vxi11 object.
size Number of values to read. (Default: 100).
precision precision of data.


data The read data.
count values read.
errmsg read operation error message.

3.16.4 @octave_vxi11/fwrite

Function File: numbytes = fwrite (obj, data)
Function File: numbytes = fwrite (obj, data, precision)

Writes data to vxi11 instrument


obj is a vxi11 object.
data data to write.
precision precision of data.


returns number of bytes written.

3.16.5 vxi11

Loadable Function: vxi11 = vxi11 (ip,instr)

Open vxi11 interface.

ip - the ip address of type String. If omitted defaults to ’’. instr - the instrument name of type String. If omitted defaults to ’inst0’.

The vxi11() shall return instance of octave_vxi11 class as the result vxi11.

3.16.6 vxi11_close

Loadable Function: vxi11_close (vxi11)

Close the interface and release a file descriptor.

vxi11 - instance of octave_vxi11 class.

3.16.7 vxi11_read

Loadable Function: [data, count] = vxi11_read (vxi11, n)

Read from vxi11 slave device.

vxi11 - instance of octave_vxi11 class.
n - number of bytes to attempt to read of type Integer.

The vxi11_read() shall return number of bytes successfully read in count as Integer and the bytes themselves in data as uint8 array.

3.16.8 vxi11_write

Loadable Function: n = vxi11_write (vxi11, data)

Write data to a vxi11 slave device.

vxi11 - instance of octave_vxi11 class.
data - data to be written to the slave device. Can be either of String or uint8 type.

Upon successful completion, vxi11_write() shall return the number of bytes written as the result n.