DEMO_DGT Basic introduction to DGT analysis/synthesis This demo shows how to compute Gabor coefficients of a signal. Figure 1: Spectrogram of the 'bat' signal. The figure shows a spectrogram of the 'bat' signal. The coefficients are shown on a linear scale. Figure 2: Gabor coefficients of the 'bat' signal. The figure show a set of Gabor coefficients for the 'bat' signal, computed using a DGT with a Gaussian window. The coefficients contains all the information to reconstruct the signal, even though there a far fewer coefficients than the spectrogram contains. Figure 3: Real-valued Gabor analysis This figure shows only the coefficients for the positive frequencies. As the signal is real-value, these coefficients contain all the necessary information. Compare to the shape of the spectrogram shown on Figure 1. Figure 4: DGT coefficients on a spectrogram This figure shows how the coefficients from DGTREAL can be picked from the coefficients computed by a full Short-time Fourier transform, as visualized by a spectrogram.
See also: sgram, dgt, dgtreal.
Package: ltfat