Function: demo_wavelets
DEMO_WAVELETS  Wavelet filter banks

  This demo exemplifies the use of the wavelet filter bank trees. All 
  representations use "least asymmetric" Daubechies wavelet orthonormal
  filters 'sym8' (8-regular, length 16).

  Figure 1: DWT representation

     The filter bank tree consists of 11 levels of iterated 2-band basic
     wavelet filter bank, where only the low-pass output is further 
     decomposed. This results in 12 bands with octave resolution. 

  Figure 2: 8-band DWT representation

     The filter bank tree (effectively) consists of 3 levels of iterated
     8-band basic wavelet filter bank resulting in 22 bands. Only the
     low-pass output is decomposed at each level.

  Figure 3: Full Wavelet filter bank tree representation

     The filter bank tree depth is 8 and it is fully decomposed meaning
     both outputs (low-pass and high-pass) of the basic filter bank is
     plot further. This results in 256 bands linearly covering the 
     frequency axis.

  Figure 4: Full Wavelet filter bank tree representation

     The same case as before, but symmetric nearly orthogonal basic
     filter bank is used.

  Figure 5: Full Dual-tree Wavelet filter bank representation

     This is a 2 times redundant representation using Q-shift dual-tree
     wavelet filters.


Package: ltfat