Function: fwt
FWT   Fast Wavelet Transform
  Usage:  c = fwt(f,w,J);
          c = fwt(f,w,J,dim);
          [c,info] = fwt(...);

  Input parameters:
        f     : Input data.
        w     : Wavelet definition.
        J     : Number of filterbank iterations.
        dim   : Dimension to along which to apply the transform.

  Output parameters:
        c      : Coefficient vector.
        info   : Transform parameters struct.

  FWT(f,w,J) returns discrete wavelet coefficients of the input signal 
  f using J iterations of the basic wavelet filterbank defined by
  w using the fast wavelet transform algorithm (Mallat's algorithm).
  The coefficients are the Discrete Wavelet transform (DWT) of the input 
  signal f, if w defines two-channel wavelet filterbank. The following
  figure shows DWT with J=3.

  The function can apply the Mallat's algorithm using basic filterbanks
  with any number of the channels. In such case, the transform have a
  different name.

  Several formats of the basic filterbank definition w are recognized.
  One of them is a text string formed by a concatenation of a function 
  name with the wfilt_ prefix followed by a list of numerical arguments
  delimited by :. For example 'db10' will result in a call to 
  wfilt_db(10) or 'spline4:4' in call to wfilt_spline(4,4) etc.
  All filter defining functions can be listed by running
  Please see help of the respective functions and follow references

  For other recognized formats of w please see FWTINIT.

  [c,info]=FWT(f,w,J) additionally returns struct. info containing 
  transform parameters. It can be conviniently used for the inverse 
  transform IFWT e.g. as fhat = iFWT(c,info). It is also required 
  by the PLOTWAVELETS function.

  If f is row/column vector, the subbands c are stored
  in a single row/column in a consecutive order with respect to the
  inceasing central frequency. The lengths of subbands are stored in 
  info.Lc so the subbands can be easily extracted using WAVPACK2CELL.
  Moreover, one can pass an additional flag 'cell' to obtain the 
  coefficient directly in a cell array. The cell array can be again 
  converted to a packed format using WAVCELL2PACK.

  If the input f is a matrix, the transform is applied to each column
  if dim==1 (default) and [Ls, W]=size(f). If dim==2
  the transform is applied to each row [W, Ls]=size(f).
  The output is then a matrix and the input orientation is preserved in
  the orientation of the output coefficients. The dim paramerer has to
  be passed to the WAVPACK2CELL and WAVCELL2PACK when used.

  Boundary handling:

  FWT(f,w,J,'per') (default) uses the periodic extension which considers
  the input signal as it was a one period of some infinite periodic signal
  as is natural for transforms based on the FFT. The resulting wavelet
  representation is non-expansive, that is if the input signal length is a
  multiple of a J-th power of the subsampling factor and the filterbank
  is critically subsampled, the total number of coefficients is equal to
  the input signal length. The input signal is padded with zeros to the
  next legal length L internally.

  The default periodic extension can result in "false" high wavelet
  coefficients near the boundaries due to the possible discontinuity
  introduced by the zero padding and periodic boundary treatment.

  FWT(f,w,J,ext) with ext other than 'per' computes a slightly
  redundant wavelet representation of the input signal f with the chosen
  boundary extension ext. The redundancy (expansivity) of the
  represenation is the price to pay for using general filterbank and
  custom boundary treatment.  The extensions are done at each level of the
  transform internally rather than doing the prior explicit padding.

  The supported possibilities are:

    'zero'   Zeros are considered outside of the signal (coefficient)

    'even'   Even symmetric extension.

    'odd'    Odd symmetric extension.

  Note that the same flag has to be used in the call of the inverse 
  transform function IFWT if the info struct is not used.


  A simple example of calling the FWT function using 'db8' wavelet

    [f,fs] = greasy;
    J = 10;
    [c,info] = fwt(f,'db8',J);

  Frequency bands of the transform with x-axis in a log scale and band
  peaks normalized to 1. Only positive frequency band is shown. :

    [g,a] = wfbt2filterbank({'db8',10,'dwt'});

    S. Mallat. A wavelet tour of signal processing. Academic Press, San
    Diego, CA, 1998.


See also: ifwt, plotwavelets, wavpack2cell, wavcell2pack, thresh.

Package: ltfat