Function: plotnsdgtreal
  Usage:  plotnsdgtreal(c,a,fs,dynrange);

  Input parameters:
        coef     : Cell array of coefficients.
        a        : Vector of time positions of windows.
        fs       : signal sample rate in Hz (optional).
        dynrange : Colorscale dynamic range in dB (optional).

  PLOTNSDGTREAL(coef,a) plots coefficients computed using NSDGTREAL or
  UNSDGTREAL. For more details on the format of the variables coef and a,
  please read the function help for these functions.

  PLOTNSDGTREAL(coef,a,fs) does the same assuming a sampling rate of
  fs Hz of the original signal.

  PLOTNSDGTREAL(coef,a,fs,dynrange) additionally limits the dynamic range.

  C=PLOTNSDGTREAL(...) returns the processed image data used in the
  plotting. Inputting this data directly to imagesc or similar
  functions will create the plot. This is useful for custom
  post-processing of the image data.

  PLOTNSDGTREAL supports all the optional parameters of TFPLOT. Please
  see the help of TFPLOT for an exhaustive list. In addition, the
  following parameters may be specified:

    'xres',xres  Approximate number of pixels along x-axis /time.
                 Default value is 800

    'yres',yres  Approximate number of pixels along y-axis / frequency
                 Default value is 600


See also: tfplot, nsdgt, nsdgtreal.

Package: ltfat