Function: wfbt
WFBT   Wavelet FilterBank Tree
  Usage:  c=wfbt(f,wt);

  Input parameters:
        f     : Input data.
        wt    : Wavelet filterbank tree definition.

  Output parameters:
        c    : Coefficients stored in a cell-array.
        info : Transform parameters struct.

  WFBT(f,wt) returns coefficients c obtained by applying a wavelet
  filterbank tree defined by wt to the input data f. 

  [c,info]=WFBT(f,wt) additionally returns struct. info containing
  transform parameters. It can be conviniently used for the inverse 
  transform IWFBT e.g. fhat = iWFBT(c,info). It is also required by
  the PLOTWAVELETS function.

  wt defines a tree shaped filterbank structure build from the
  elementary two (or more) channel wavelet filters. The tree can have any
  shape and thus provide a flexible frequency covering. The outputs of the
  tree leaves are stored in c.

  The wt parameter can have two formats: 

  1) Cell array containing 3 elements {w,J,treetype}, where w is
     the basic wavelet filterbank definition as in FWT function, J*
     stands for the depth of the tree and the flag treetype defines
     the type of the tree to be used. Supported options are:

        Plain DWT tree (default). This gives one band per octave freq. 
        resolution when using 2 channel basic wavelet filterbank and
        produces coefficients identical to the ones in FWT.

        Full filterbank tree. Both (all) basic filterbank outputs are
        decomposed further up to depth J achieving linear frequency band

        The filterbank is designed such that it mimics 4-band, 8-band or
        16-band complex wavelet transform provided the basic filterbank
        is 2 channel. In this case, J is treated such that it defines
        number of levels of 4-band, 8-band or 16-band transform.

  2) Structure returned by the WFBTINIT function and possibly
     modified by WFBTPUT and WFBTREMOVE.

  Please see WFBTINIT for a detailed description and more options.

  If f is row/column vector, the coefficient vectors c{jj} are columns.

  If f is a matrix, the transformation is by default applied to each of
  W columns [Ls, W]=size(f).

  In addition, the following flag groups are supported:

    Type of the boundary handling. Please see the help on FWT for a 
    description of the boundary condition flags.

    Frequency or natural ordering of the coefficient subbands. The direct
    usage of the wavelet tree ('nat' option) does not produce coefficient
    subbans ordered according to the frequency. To achieve that, some
    filter shuffling has to be done ('freq' option).


  A simple example of calling the WFBT function using the "full 
  decomposition" wavelet tree:

    f = gspi;
    J = 7;
    [c,info] = wfbt(f,{'sym10',J,'full'});


See also: iwfbt, wfbtinit.

Package: ltfat