Function: wfbt2filterbank
WFBT2FILTERBANK  WFBT equivalent non-iterated filterbank
  Usage: [g,a] = wfbt2filterbank(wt)

  Input parameters:
        wt : Wavelet filter tree definition

  Output parameters:
        g   : Cell array containing filters
        a   : Vector of sub-/upsampling factors

  [g,a]=WFBT2FILTERBANK(wt) calculates the impulse responses g and the
  subsampling factors a of non-iterated filterbank, which is equivalent
  to the wavelet filterbank tree described by wt used in WFBT. The 
  returned parameters can be used directly in FILTERBANK and other routines.

  [g,a]=WFBT2FILTERBANK({w,J,'dwt'}) does the same for the DWT (|FWT|)
  filterbank tree.

  Please see help on WFBT for description of wt and help on FWT for
  description of w and J. 

  The function additionally support the following flags:

    The filters are ordered to produce subbands in the same order as 
    WFBT with the same flag.

    Support for scaling flags as described in UWFBT. By default,
    the returned filterbank g and a is equivalent to WFBT,
    passing any of the non-default flags results in a filterbank 
    equivalent to UWFBT i.e. scaled and with a(:)=1.


  The following two examples create a multirate identity filterbank
  using a tree of depth 3. In the first example, the filterbank is
  identical to the DWT tree:

     [g,a] = wfbt2filterbank({'db10',3,'dwt'});

  In the second example, the filterbank is identical to the full
  wavelet tree:

     [g,a] = wfbt2filterbank({'db10',3,'full'});


See also: wfbtinit.

Package: ltfat