Function File: x, y, z = aer2ecef (az,el, slantRange, lat0, lon0, alt0)
Function File: x, y, z = aer2ecef (az,el, slantRange, lat0, lon0, alt0, spheroid)
Function File: x, y, z = aer2ecef (az,el, slantRange, lat0, lon0, alt0, spheroid, angleUnit)

Convert Azimuth, Elevation, Range (AER) coordinates to Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates.


  • az, el, slantrange: look angles and distance to target point(s) (angle, angle, length). Vectors and nD arrays are accepted if they have equal dimensions.
  • az: azimuth angle clockwise from local north.
  • el: elevation angle above local horizon.
  • slantrange: distance from origin in local spherical system.
  • lat0, lon0, alt0: latitude, longitude and height of local observer location(s) (angle, angle, length). In case of multiple local locations their numbers and dimensions should be equal those of the target points. The length unit(s) should match that/those of the target point(s).
  • spheroid: referenceEllipsoid parameter struct; default is wgs84. A string value describing the spheroid or numeric EPSG code is also accepted.
  • angleUnit: string for angular units (’degrees’ or ’radians’, case-insensitive, just the first charachter will do). Default is ’degrees’.


  • x, y, z: Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates.


[x, y, z] = aer2ecef (33, 70, 1e3, 42, -82, 200)
x =    6.6057e+05
y =   -4.7002e+06
z =    4.2450e+06

With radians

[x, y, z] = aer2ecef (pi/6, pi/3, 1e3, pi/4, -pi/2, 200, "wgs84", "radians")
x =  250.00
y =   -4.5180e+06
z =    4.4884e+06

Note: aer2ecef is a mere wrapper for functions geodetic2ecef, aer2enu and enu2uvw.

See also: ecef2aer, aer2enu, aer2geodetic, aer2ned, referenceEllipsoid.

Package: mapping