Function File: [lato, lono, radius] = gc2sc (lati, loni, az)
Function File: [lato, lono] = gc2sc (lati, loni, az, units)
Function File: mat = gc2sc (lati, loni, az)
Function File: mat = gc2sc (lati, loni, az, units)

Converts a great circle to small circle notation.


  • lat, lon, az: latitude, longitude, and azimuth of great circle. These must be scalar values or vectors of equal length.
  • angleUnit (optional): string for angular units (’degrees’ or ’radians’, case-insensitive, just the first character will do). Default is ’degrees’. angleUnit applies to all inputs and outputs.


  • If separate outpts were requested, lat, lon are scalars (or column vectors) of the small circle(s)’ centerpoint(s) and radius is a scalar (or column vector) of the small circle(s) radius (radii) which will always be 90 degrees.
  • Alternatively, if just one output was requested the result will be an Nx3 matrix with columns lato, lono and radius, respectively.


[lat, lon, radius] = gc2sc( 60, 25, 60)
lat = -25.659
lon =  58.690
radius =  90

For the equator a 0 will be returned for the longitude.

[lat, lon, radius] = gc2sc (0, 45, 90)
lat = -90
lon = 0
radius =  90

See also: gcxgc, gcxsc, scxsc.

Package: mapping