Function File: az, el, slantRange = geodetic2aer (lat, lon, alt, lat0, lon0, alt0)
Function File: az, el, slantRange = geodetic2aer (lat, lon, alt, lat0, lon0, alt0, spheroid)
Function File: az, el, slantRange = geodetic2aer (lat, lon, alt, lat0, lon0, alt0, spheroid, angleUnit)

Convert from geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, local height) to Azimuth, Elevation and Range (AER) coordinates.


  • lat, lon, alt: ellipsoid geodetic coordinates of target point(s) (angle, angle, length). In case of non-scalar inputs (i.e., multiple points) the dimensions (vectors, nD arrays) of each of these inputs should match. The length unit is that of the used ellipsoid (default is meters).
  • lat0, lon0, alt0: ellipsoid geodetic coordinates of local observer (angle, angle, length). In case of multiple observer locations their numbers and dimensions should match those of the target points (i.e., one observer location for each test point). The length units of the point(s) and observer location(s) should match.
  • spheroid is a user-specified sheroid (see referenceEllipsoid). It can be spcifid as a referenceEllipsoid struct, a name or an EPSG number. If omitted WGS84 will be selected as default spheroid and the default length will then be meters.
  • angleUnit: string for angular units (’degrees’ or ’radians’, case-insensitive, just the first character will do). Default is ’degrees’.


  • e, n, u: East, North, Up Cartesian coordinates (meters).


lat  = 42.002; lon  = -81.998; alt  = 1000;
lat0 = 42;     lon0 = -82;     alt0 = 200;
[e, n, u] = geodetic2aer (lat, lon, alt, lat0, lon0, alt0, "wgs84", "degrees")
   az =  36.719
   el =  70.890
   slantRange =  846.65

See also: aer2geodetic, geodetic2ecef, geodetic2enu, geodetic2ned, referenceEllipsoid.

Package: mapping