Function File: s = meridianarc (phi, phi_2)
Function File: s = meridianarc (phi, phi_2, spheroid)
Function File: s = meridianarc (…, angleUnit)

Returns the meridian arc length given two latitudes phi and phi_2.

phi and phi_2 can be scalars, vectors or arrays of any desired size and dimension; but if any is non-scalar, the other must be scalar or have the exact same dimensions. For any phi_2 larger than phi the output value will be negative.

If no spheroid is given the default is wgs84.

angleUnit can be ’degrees’ or ’radians’ (the latter is default).

Examples Full options:

s = meridianarc (0, 56, "int24", "degrees")
=> s =

Short version:

s = meridianarc (0, pi/4)
=> s =

If want different units:

s = meridianarc (0, 56, referenceEllipsoid ("int24", "km"), "degrees")
=> s =

See also: referenceEllipsoid.

Package: mapping