Function File: sm = rad2sm (rad)
Function File: sm = rad2sm (rad, radius)
Function File: sm = rad2sm (rad, sphere)

Converts angle in radians to distance in statute miles by multiplying angle with radius.

Calculates the distances sm in a sphere with radius (also in statute miles) for the angles rad. If unspecified, radius defaults to 3958 sm, the mean radius of Earth.

Alternatively, sphere can be one of "sun", "mercury", "venus", "earth", "moon", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn", "uranus", "neptune", or "pluto", in which case radius will be set to that object’s mean radius.

See also: deg2km, deg2nm, deg2sm, km2rad, km2deg, nm2deg, nm2rad, rad2km, rad2nm, sm2deg, sm2rad.

Package: mapping