Function File: [lato, lono] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi)
Function File: [lato, lono, azo] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi)
Function File: [lato, lono] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim)
Function File: [lato, lono, azo] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim)
Function File: [lato, lono] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim, ellipsoid)
Function File: [lato, lono, azo] = vincentyDirect(lat, lon, range, azi, dim, ellipsoid)

Compute the coordinates of the end-point of a displacement on a geodesic. lat, lon are the coordinates of the starting point, range is the covered distance of the displacements along a specified geodesic and azi is the direction of the displacement relative to the North. The units of all input and output parameters must be ’radians’ and/or the length unit of range should match that of the used ellipsoid.

The possible values for dim are ’angle’ (default) or ’length’.

Sample values for ellipsoid are the following:

WGS 1984 (default)referenceEllipsoid(7030)
GRS 1980referenceEllipsoid(7019)
G.B. Airy 1830referenceEllipsoid(7001)
Internacional 1924referenceEllipsoid(7022)
Clarke 1880referenceEllipsoid(7012)
Australian Nat.referenceEllipsoid(7003)

See also: geodeticfwd, meridianfwd, reckon, referenceEllipsoid, vincenty.

Package: mapping