KSTEST2 computes the two-sampleKolmogorov-Smirnov. Usage: [H,p,ks2stat,D] = kstest2(x,y); [...] = kstest2(x, y, [, 'alpha', alpha] [, 'tail', '>'] ); Input: x, y input vectors for comparison X matrix whos colums are pairwise compared, such Output: H 1: statistical significance (p < alpha) D maximum absolute difference between sample data D(k,l) is the m.a.d. from X(:,k) and X(:,l) df is the degree-of freedom df(k,l) = n(k)*n(l)/(n(k)+n(l)) with n samples of corresponding column X. p p-value, it's also a matrix where pval(k,l) is the p-value from column k and l see also: kolmogorov_smirnov
Package: nan