This function performs boolean operations between two polygons using the Greiner-Hormann algorithm as it is presented in
sub is a two column matrix containing the X and Y coordinates of the vertices for the subject polygon (it must be unique, although self-intersections are permitted).
clip is a two column matrix containing the X and Y coordinates of the vertices for the clipper polygon(it must be unique, although self-intersections are permitted).
op is a text string containing the operation to perform between sub and clip. Possible values are:
hor is an identifier for performing (value 1, by default) or not (value 0) the searching for holes in the result of the operation OR. When OR is applied with non convex entities some of the resulting polygons can be actually holes. Activating this argument the possible holes are identified. If the operation is other than OR the value of this argument is irrelevant
For the matrices sub and clip, the first point is not needed to be repeated at the end (but is permitted). Pairs of (NaN,NaN) coordinates in sub and/or clip are omitted, so they are treated as if each one stored a single polygon, i.e., this function does not admit boolean operations between multiple polygons of between polygons with holes, although polygons containing self-intersections are permitted
p is a two column matrix containing the X and Y coordinates of the vertices of the resultant polygon(s). If the result consist of multiple polygons they are separated by rows os (NaN,NaN) values.
details is a struct containing details of the computation. Its fields (IN LOWERCASE!) are:
This function does not check if the dimensions of sub and clip are correct.
The following code
%subject polygon clSub = [9.0 7.5 9.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 7.0 2.0 7.0 2.0 7.5 9.0 7.5]; %clipper polygon clClip = [2.5 1.0 7.0 1.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 8.0 4.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 8.0 2.5 8.0 2.5 1.0]; %limits for the plots clXLim = [1.5 11.75]; clYLim = [0.5 8.50]; %compute intersection [pI,detI] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'and'); %compute union [pU,detU] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'or',1); %compute A-B [pA,detA] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'ab'); %compute B-A [pB,detB] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'ba'); %compute XOR [pX,detX] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'xor'); %plotting figure(1); %plot window for original data subplot(3,2,1); plot(clSub(:,1),clSub(:,2),clClip(:,1),clClip(:,2)); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('Original polygons'); legend('Subject polygon','Clipper polygon','location','southeast'); %plot window for intersection subplot(3,2,2); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detI.poly,1) pS = detI.poly(i,1); pE = detI.poly(i,2); fill(pI(pS:pE,1),pI(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP intersection'); %plot window for union subplot(3,2,3); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detU.poly,1) pS = detU.poly(i,1); pE = detU.poly(i,2); if detU.poly(i,3)~=0 fill(pU(pS:pE,1),pU(pS:pE,2),'r'); else hax = fill(pU(pS:pE,1),pU(pS:pE,2),'b'); legend(hax,'Holes'); end end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP union'); %plot window for A-B subplot(3,2,4); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detA.poly,1) pS = detA.poly(i,1); pE = detA.poly(i,2); fill(pA(pS:pE,1),pA(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP A-B'); %plot window for B-A subplot(3,2,5); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detB.poly,1) pS = detB.poly(i,1); pE = detB.poly(i,2); fill(pB(pS:pE,1),pB(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP B-A'); %plot window for XOR subplot(3,2,6); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detX.poly,1) pS = detX.poly(i,1); pE = detX.poly(i,2); fill(pX(pS:pE,1),pX(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP XOR'); %input message disp('Press ENTER to continue ...'); pause(); %subject polygon clSub = [1000.0 1000.0 2000.0 1000.0 2000.0 2800.0 800.0 2800.0 2400.0 1900.0 1000.0 1000.0]; %clipper polygon clClip = [ 300.0 2500.0 2500.0 2600.0 1600.0 600.0 1300.0 3100.0 500.0 900.0 300.0 2500.0]; %limits for the plots auxLim = [clSub;clClip]; clXLim = [min(auxLim(:,1)) max(auxLim(:,1))]; clYLim = [min(auxLim(:,2)) max(auxLim(:,2))]; %compute intersection [pI,detI] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'and'); %compute union [pU,detU] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'or',1); %compute A-B [pA,detA] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'ab'); %compute B-A [pB,detB] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'ba'); %compute XOR [pX,detX] = oc_polybool(clSub,clClip,'xor'); %plotting figure(2); %plot window for original data subplot(3,2,1); plot(clSub(:,1),clSub(:,2),clClip(:,1),clClip(:,2)); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('Original polygons'); legend('Subject polygon','Clipper polygon','location','southeast'); %plot window for intersection subplot(3,2,2); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detI.poly,1) pS = detI.poly(i,1); pE = detI.poly(i,2); fill(pI(pS:pE,1),pI(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP intersection'); %plot window for union subplot(3,2,3); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detU.poly,1) pS = detU.poly(i,1); pE = detU.poly(i,2); if detU.poly(i,3)~=0 fill(pU(pS:pE,1),pU(pS:pE,2),'r'); else hax = fill(pU(pS:pE,1),pU(pS:pE,2),'b'); legend(hax,'Holes'); end end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP union'); %plot window for A-B subplot(3,2,4); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detA.poly,1) pS = detA.poly(i,1); pE = detA.poly(i,2); fill(pA(pS:pE,1),pA(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP A-B'); %plot window for B-A subplot(3,2,5); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detB.poly,1) pS = detB.poly(i,1); pE = detB.poly(i,2); fill(pB(pS:pE,1),pB(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP B-A'); %plot window for XOR subplot(3,2,6); hold('on'); for i=1:size(detX.poly,1) pS = detX.poly(i,1); pE = detX.poly(i,2); fill(pX(pS:pE,1),pX(pS:pE,2),'r'); end hold('off'); axis('equal'); xlim(clXLim); ylim(clYLim); title('OctCLIP XOR');
Produces the following output
Press ENTER to continue ...
and the following figures
Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
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Package: octclip