de_min: global optimisation using differential evolution

 Usage: [x, obj_value, nfeval, convergence] = de_min(fcn, control)

 minimization of a user-supplied function with respect to x(1:D),
 using the differential evolution (DE) method based on an algorithm
 by  Rainer Storn (

 fcn        string : Name of function. Must return a real value
 control    vector : (Optional) Control variables, described below
         or struct

 Returned values:
 x          vector : parameter vector of best solution
 obj_value  scalar : objective function value of best solution
 nfeval     scalar : number of function evaluations
 convergence       : 1 = best below value to reach (VTR)
                     0 = population has reached defined quality (tol)
                    -1 = some values are close to constraints/boundaries
                    -2 = max number of iterations reached (maxiter)
                    -3 = max number of functions evaluations reached (maxnfe)

 Control variable:   (optional) may be named arguments (i.e. "name",value
 ----------------    pairs), a struct, or a vector, where
                     NaN's are ignored.

 XVmin        : vector of lower bounds of initial population
                *** note: by default these are no constraints ***
 XVmax        : vector of upper bounds of initial population
 constr       : 1 -> enforce the bounds not just for the initial population
 const        : data vector (remains fixed during the minimization)
 NP           : number of population members
 F            : difference factor from interval [0, 2]
 CR           : crossover probability constant from interval [0, 1]
 strategy     : 1 --> DE/best/1/exp           7 --> DE/best/1/bin
                2 --> DE/rand/1/exp           8 --> DE/rand/1/bin
                3 --> DE/target-to-best/1/exp 9 --> DE/target-to-best/1/bin
                4 --> DE/best/2/exp           10--> DE/best/2/bin
                5 --> DE/rand/2/exp           11--> DE/rand/2/bin
                6 --> DEGL/SAW/exp            else  DEGL/SAW/bin
 refresh      : intermediate output will be produced after "refresh"
                iterations. No intermediate output will be produced
                if refresh is < 1
 VTR          : Stopping criterion: "Value To Reach"
                de_min will stop when obj_value <= VTR.
                Use this if you know which value you expect.
 tol          : Stopping criterion: "tolerance"
                stops if (best-worst)/max(1,worst) < tol
                This stops basically if the whole population is "good".
 maxnfe       : maximum number of function evaluations
 maxiter      : maximum number of iterations (generations)

       The algorithm seems to work well only if [XVmin,XVmax] covers the 
       region where the global minimum is expected.
       DE is also somewhat sensitive to the choice of the
       difference factor F. A good initial guess is to choose F from
       interval [0.5, 1], e.g. 0.8.
       CR, the crossover probability constant from interval [0, 1]
       helps to maintain the diversity of the population and is
       rather uncritical but affects strongly the convergence speed.
       If the parameters are correlated, high values of CR work better.
       The reverse is true for no correlation.
       Experiments suggest that /bin likes to have a slightly
       larger CR than /exp.
       The number of population members NP is also not very critical. A
       good initial guess is 10*D. Depending on the difficulty of the
       problem NP can be lower than 10*D or must be higher than 10*D
       to achieve convergence.

 Default Values:
 XVmin = [-2];
 XVmax = [ 2];
 constr= 0;
 const = [];
 NP    = 10 *D
 F     = 0.8;
 CR    = 0.9;
 strategy = 12;
 refresh  = 0;
 VTR   = -Inf;
 tol   = 1.e-3;
 maxnfe  = 1e6;
 maxiter = 1000;

 Example to find the minimum of the Rosenbrock saddle:
 Define f as:
                    function result = f(x);
                      result = 100 * (x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1 - x(1))^2;
 Then type:

 	ctl.XVmin = [-2 -2];
 	ctl.XVmax = [ 2  2];
 	[x, obj_value, nfeval, convergence] = de_min (@f, ctl);

 Keywords: global-optimisation optimisation minimisation

Demonstration 1

The following code

 ## define a simple example function
 f = @(x) peaks(x(1), x(2));
 ## plot the function to see where the minimum might be
 ## first we set the region where we expect the minimum
 ctl.XVmin = [-3 -3];
 ctl.XVmax = [ 3  3];
 ## and solve it with de_min
 [x, obj_value, nfeval, convergence] = de_min (f, ctl)

Produces the following output

x =

   0.2285  -1.6253

obj_value = -6.5511
nfeval = 900
convergence = 0

and the following figure

Figure 1

Package: optim