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10.4 Parameter-related configuration settings in structure form

The vector-based settings lbound, ubound, fixed, diffp, diff_onesided, fract_prec, and max_fract_change can be replaced by the setting param_config. It is a structure that can contain fields corresponding to parameter names. For each such field, there may be subfields with the same names as the above vector-based settings, but containing a scalar value for the respective parameter.

For example, if the parameters are named a and b, instead of specifying

settings = optimset ("lbound", [-Inf; 0],
                     "diff_onesided", [true; true]);

one can specify

pconf.b.lbound = 0;
pconf.a.diff_onesided = true;
pconf.b.diff_onesided = true;
settings = optimset ("param_config", pconf);

If param_config is specified, none of the above vector-based settings may be used.