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1.8 An alternating directions algorithm


ADSMAX  Alternating directions method for direct search optimization.
       [x, fmax, nf] = ADSMAX(FUN, x0, STOPIT, SAVIT, P) attempts to
       maximize the function FUN, using the starting vector x0.
       The alternating directions direct search method is used.
       Output arguments:
              x    = vector yielding largest function value found,
              fmax = function value at x,
              nf   = number of function evaluations.
       The iteration is terminated when either
              - the relative increase in function value between successive
                iterations is <= STOPIT(1) (default 1e-3),
              - STOPIT(2) function evaluations have been performed
                (default inf, i.e., no limit), or
              - a function value equals or exceeds STOPIT(3)
                (default inf, i.e., no test on function values).
       Progress of the iteration is not shown if STOPIT(5) = 0 (default 1).
       If a non-empty fourth parameter string SAVIT is present, then
       `SAVE SAVIT x fmax nf' is executed after each inner iteration.
       By default, the search directions are the co-ordinate directions.
       The columns of a fifth parameter matrix P specify alternative search
       directions (P = EYE is the default).
       NB: x0 can be a matrix.  In the output argument, in SAVIT saves,
           and in function calls, x has the same shape as x0.
       ADSMAX(fun, x0, STOPIT, SAVIT, P, P1, P2,...) allows additional
       arguments to be passed to fun, via feval(fun,x,P1,P2,...).
    N. J. Higham, Optimization by direct search in matrix computations,
       SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl, 14(2): 317-333, 1993.
    N. J. Higham, Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms,
       Second edition, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
       Philadelphia, PA, 2002; sec. 20.5.