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7.3 Non-linear residual minimization

This function is for Matlab compatibility. It attempts to work like lsqnonlin by calling nonlin_residmin.

Function File: lsqnonlin (fun, x0)
Function File: lsqnonlin (fun, x0, lb, ub)
Function File: lsqnonlin (fun, x0, lb, ub, options)
Function File: [x, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output, lambda, jacobian] = lsqnonlin (…)

Solve nonlinear least-squares (nonlinear data-fitting) problems

min [EuclidianNorm(f(x))] .^ 2

fun computes residuals from given parameters. The initial guess of the parameters x0 must be provided while the bounds lb and ub) can be set to the empty matrix ([]) if not given.

lsqnonlin may also be called with a single structure argument with the fields fun, x0, lb, ub, and options, resembling the separate input arguments above. For compatibility reasons, field fun may also be called objective. Additionally, the structure must have the field solver, set to "lsqnonlin".

options can be set with optimset. Follwing Matlab compatible options are recognized:

Algorithm String specifying backend algorithm. Currently available "lm_svd_feasible" only.

TolFun Minimum fractional improvement in objective function in an iteration (termination criterium). Default: 1e-6.

TypicalX Typical values of x. Default: 1.

MaxIter Maximum number of iterations allowed. Default: 400.

Jacobian If set to "on", the function fun must return a second output containing a user-specified Jacobian. The Jacobian is computed using finite differences otherwise. Default: "off"

FinDiffType "centered" or "forward" (Default) type finite differences estimation.

FinDiffRelStep Step size factor. The default is sqrt(eps) for forward finite differences, and eps^(1/3) for central finite differences

OutputFcn One or more user-defined functions, either as a function handle or as a cell array of function handles that an optimization function calls at each iteration. The function definition has the following form:

stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state)

x is the point computed at the current iteration. optimValues is a structure containing data from the current iteration in the following fields: "iteration"- number of current iteration. "residual"- residuals. state is the state of the algorithm: "init" at start, "iter" after each iteration and "done" at the end.

Display String indicating the degree of verbosity. Default: "off". Currently only supported values are "off" (no messages) and "iter" (some messages after each iteration).

Returned values:


Position of minimum.


Scalar value of objective as squared EuclidianNorm(f(x)).


Value of solution residuals f(x).


Status of solution:


Maximum number of iterations reached.


Change in x was less than the specified tolerance.


Change in the residual was less than the specified tolerance.


Output function terminated the algorithm.


Structure with additional information, currently the only field is iterations, the number of used iterations.


Structure containing Lagrange multipliers at the solution x sepatared by constraint type (lb and ub).


m-by-n matrix, where jacobian(i,j) is the partial derivative of fun(i) with respect to x(j) Default: lsqnonlin approximates the Jacobian using finite differences. If Jacobian is set to "on" in options then fun must return a second argument providing a user-sepcified Jacobian .

This function is a compatibility wrapper. It calls the more general nonlin_residmin function internally.

See also: lsqcurvefit, nonlin_residmin, nonlin_curvefit.

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