Return the set of population mixes for a closed multiclass queueing
network with exactly k customers. Specifically, given a
closed multiclass QN with C customer classes, where there
are N(c)
class c requests, c = 1, …, C
a k-mix M is a vector of length C with the following
In other words, a k-mix is an allocation of k
requests to C classes such that the number of requests
assigned to class c does not exceed the maximum value
pop_mix is a matrix with C columns, such that each row represents a valid mix.
Size of the requested mix (scalar, k ≥ 0
number of class c requests (k ≤ sum(N)
number of class c requests in the i-th population
mix. The number of mixes is rows(pop_mix)
If you are interested in the number of k-mixes only, you can
use the funcion qnmvapop
The slightly different problem of enumerating all tuples k_1, …, k_N such that \sum_i k_i = k and k_i ≥ 0, for a given k ≥ 0 has been described in S. Santini, Computing the Indices for a Complex Summation, unpublished report, available at
See also: qncmnpop.
The following code
N = [2 3]; mix = qncmpopmix(3, N)
Produces the following output
mix = 2 1 1 2 0 3
Package: queueing