## Copyright 2015-2016 Carnë Draug
## Copyright 2015-2016 Oliver Heimlich
## Copyright 2017 Julien Bect <jbect@users.sf.net>
## Copyright 2017 Olaf Till <i7tiol@t-online.de>
## Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
## are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
## notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
## without any warranty.

## Some basic tools (can be overriden using environment variables)
SED ?= sed
TAR ?= tar
GREP ?= grep
CUT ?= cut
TR ?= tr

## Note the use of ':=' (immediate set) and not just '=' (lazy set).
## http://stackoverflow.com/a/448939/1609556
package := $(shell $(GREP) "^Name: " DESCRIPTION | $(CUT) -f2 -d" " | \
$(TR) '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
version := $(shell $(GREP) "^Version: " DESCRIPTION | $(CUT) -f2 -d" ")

## These are the paths that will be created for the releases.
target_dir       := target
release_dir      := $(target_dir)/$(package)-$(version)
release_tarball  := $(target_dir)/$(package)-$(version).tar.gz
html_dir         := $(target_dir)/$(package)-html
html_tarball     := $(target_dir)/$(package)-html.tar.gz
## Using $(realpath ...) avoids problems with symlinks due to bug
## #50994 in Octaves scripts/pkg/private/install.m.  But at least the
## release directory above is needed in the relative form, for 'git
## archive --format=tar --prefix=$(release_dir).
real_target_dir  := $(realpath .)/$(target_dir)
installation_dir := $(real_target_dir)/.installation
package_list     := $(installation_dir)/.octave_packages
install_stamp    := $(installation_dir)/.install_stamp

## These can be set by environment variables which allow to easily
## test with different Octave versions.
ifndef OCTAVE
OCTAVE := octave
OCTAVE := $(OCTAVE) --no-gui --silent --norc
MKOCTFILE ?= mkoctfile

## Command used to set permissions before creating tarballs
FIX_PERMISSIONS ?= chmod -R a+rX,u+w,go-w,ug-s

## Detect which VCS is used
vcs := $(if $(wildcard .hg),hg,$(if $(wildcard .git),git,unknown))
ifeq ($(vcs),hg)
release_dir_dep := .hg/dirstate
ifeq ($(vcs),git)
release_dir_dep := .git/index

## .PHONY indicates targets that are not filenames
## (https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Phony-Targets.html)
.PHONY: help

## make will display the command before runnning them.  Use @command
## to not display it (makes specially sense for echo).
	@echo "Targets:"
	@echo "   dist    - Create $(release_tarball) for release."
	@echo "   html    - Create $(html_tarball) for release."
	@echo "   release - Create both of the above and show md5sums."
	@echo "   install - Install the package in $(installation_dir), where it is not visible in a normal Octave session."
	@echo "   check   - Execute package tests."
	@echo "   doctest - Test the help texts with the doctest package."
	@echo "   run     - Run Octave with the package installed in $(installation_dir) in the path."
	@echo "   clean   - Remove everything made with this Makefile."

## Recipes for release tarballs (package + html)

.PHONY: release dist html clean-tarballs clean-unpacked-release

## To make a release, build the distribution and html tarballs.
release: dist html
	md5sum $(release_tarball) $(html_tarball)
	@echo "Upload @ https://sourceforge.net/p/octave/package-releases/new/"
	@echo "    and note the changeset the release corresponds to"

## dist and html targets are only PHONY/alias targets to the release
## and html tarballs.
dist: $(release_tarball)
html: $(html_tarball)

## An implicit rule with a recipe to build the tarballs correctly.
%.tar.gz: %
	$(TAR) -c -f - --posix -C "$(target_dir)/" "$(notdir $<)" | gzip -9n > "$@"

	@echo "## Cleaning release tarballs (package + html)..."
	-$(RM) $(release_tarball) $(html_tarball)

## Create the unpacked package.
## Notes:
##    * having ".hg/dirstate" (or ".git/index") as a prerequesite means it is
##      only rebuilt if we are at a different commit.
##    * the variable RM usually defaults to "rm -f"
##    * having this recipe separate from the one that makes the tarball
##      makes it easy to have packages in alternative formats (such as zip)
##    * note that if a commands needs to be run in a specific directory,
##      the command to "cd" needs to be on the same line.  Each line restores
##      the original working directory.
$(release_dir): $(release_dir_dep)
	-$(RM) -r "$@"
ifeq (${vcs},hg)
	hg archive --exclude ".hg*" --type files "$@"
ifeq (${vcs},git)
	git archive --format=tar --prefix="$@/" HEAD | $(TAR) -x
	$(RM) "$@/.gitignore"
## Don't fall back to run the supposed necessary contents of
## 'bootstrap' here. Users are better off if they provide
## 'bootstrap'. Administrators, checking build reproducibility, can
## put in the missing 'bootstrap' file if they feel they know its
## necessary contents.
ifneq (,$(wildcard src/bootstrap))
	cd "$@/src" && ./bootstrap && $(RM) -r "autom4te.cache"
## Uncomment this if your src/Makefile.in has these targets for
## pre-building something for the release (e.g. documentation).
#	cd "$@/src" && ./configure && $(MAKE) prebuild && \
#	  $(MAKE) distclean && $(RM) Makefile

run_in_place = $(OCTAVE) --eval ' pkg ("local_list", "$(package_list)"); ' \
                         --eval ' pkg ("load", "$(package)"); '

html_options = --eval 'options = get_html_options ("octave-forge");'
## Uncomment this for package documentation.
# html_options = --eval 'options = get_html_options ("octave-forge");' \
#                --eval 'options.package_doc = "$(package).texi";'
$(html_dir): $(install_stamp)
	$(RM) -r "$@";
	$(run_in_place)                    \
        --eval ' pkg load generate_html; ' \
	$(html_options)                    \
        --eval ' generate_package_html ("$(package)", "$@", options); ';

	@echo "## Cleaning unpacked release tarballs (package + html)..."
	-$(RM) -r $(release_dir) $(html_dir)

## Recipes for installing the package.

.PHONY: install clean-install

octave_install_commands = \
' llist_path = pkg ("local_list"); \
  mkdir ("$(installation_dir)"); \
  load (llist_path); \
  local_packages(cellfun (@ (x) strcmp ("$(package)", x.name), local_packages)) = []; \
  save ("$(package_list)", "local_packages"); \
  pkg ("local_list", "$(package_list)"); \
  pkg ("prefix", "$(installation_dir)", "$(installation_dir)"); \
  pkg ("install", "-local", "-verbose", "$(release_tarball)"); '

## Install unconditionally. Maybe useful for testing installation with
## different versions of Octave.
install: $(release_tarball)
	@echo "Installing package under $(installation_dir) ..."
	$(OCTAVE) --eval $(octave_install_commands)
	touch $(install_stamp)

## Install only if installation (under target/...) is not current.
$(install_stamp): $(release_tarball)
	@echo "Installing package under $(installation_dir) ..."
	$(OCTAVE) --eval $(octave_install_commands)
	touch $(install_stamp)

	@echo "## Cleaning installation under $(installation_dir) ..."
	-$(RM) -r $(installation_dir)

## Recipes for testing purposes

.PHONY: run doctest check

## Start an Octave session with the package directories on the path for
## interactice test of development sources.
run: $(install_stamp)
	$(run_in_place) --persist

## Test example blocks in the documentation.  Needs doctest package
##  https://octave.sourceforge.io/doctest/index.html
doctest: $(install_stamp)
	$(run_in_place) --eval 'pkg load doctest;'                                                          \
	  --eval "targets = '$(shell (ls inst; ls src | $(GREP) .oct) | $(CUT) -f2 -d@ | $(CUT) -f1 -d.)';" \
	  --eval "targets = strsplit (targets, ' ');  doctest (targets);"

## Test package.
octave_test_commands = \
' dirs = {"inst", "src"}; \
  dirs(cellfun (@ (x) isempty (a = stat (x)) || ! S_ISDIR (a.mode), dirs)) = []; \
  if (isempty (dirs)) error ("no \"inst\" or \"src\" directory"); exit (1); \
  else \
    dirs = \
    cellfun (@ (x) canonicalize_file_name (x), dirs, "UniformOutput", false); \
    __run_test_suite__ (dirs, {}); \
  endif '
## the following works, too, but provides no overall summary output as
## __run_test_suite__ does:
##    else cellfun (@runtests, horzcat (cellfun (@ (dir) ostrsplit (([~, dirs] = system (sprintf ("find %s -type d", dir))), "\n\r", true), dirs, "UniformOutput", false){:})); endif '
check: $(install_stamp)
	$(run_in_place) --eval $(octave_test_commands)


.PHONY: clean

clean: clean-tarballs clean-unpacked-release clean-install
	@echo "## Removing target directory (if empty)..."
	-rmdir $(target_dir)
	@echo "## Cleaning done"