3.2 COM Interface

3.2.1 @octave_com_object/delete

: delete (obj)

A delete override for octave_com_object objects.

Release interfaces from COM object obj and then delete the COM server.

See also: com_delete delete.

3.2.2 @octave_com_object/get

: S = get (obj)
: S = get (obj, propertynames)

A get override for octave_com_object objects.

When specifying just obj, the function will return a list of property names in S. When also providing propertynames, the function return the values of the properties.

See also: com_get, get.

3.2.3 @octave_com_object/invoke

: invoke (obj)
: S = invoke (obj, methodname)
: S = invoke (obj, methodname, arg1, …, argN)

Invoke a method on a COM object.

When called with just the single obj, invoke displays the methods available to the object. When called with methodname, invoke will invoke the method with optional args and return the result in S.

See also: com_invoke, methods.

3.2.4 @octave_com_object/methods

: methods (obj)
: mtds = methods (obj)

List the names of the public methods for the object octave_com_object obj.

When called with no output arguments, methods prints the list of method names to the screen. Otherwise, the output argument mtds contains the list in a cell array of strings.

See also: methods.

3.2.5 @octave_com_object/release

: release (obj)

Release the COM object obj and all of its resources.

See also: com_release, delete.

3.2.6 @octave_com_object/set

: S = set (obj, propname, value)

A set override for octave_com_object objects.

Call set function on COM object obj to set property propname to value value. Returns any result in S.

See also: com_set.

3.2.7 actxserver

Loadable Function: h = actxserver (progid)

Create a COM server using the progid identifier.

Returns h, a handle to the default interface of the COM server.


# create a COM server running Microsoft Excel
app = actxserver ('Excel.Application');
# free the object
destroy (app); 

3.2.8 com_atexit

Loadable Function: com_atexit ()

Close down all GNU Octave managed COM handles.

Called during pkg unload.

3.2.9 com_delete

Loadable Function: com_delete (obj)

Release interfaces from COM object obj and then delete the COM server

3.2.10 com_get

Loadable Function: S = com_get (obj)

Call get function on COM object obj. Returns any result in S

3.2.11 com_invoke

Loadable Function: result = com_invoke (obj)
Loadable Function: result = com_invoke (obj, method )

Call invoke on obj to run a method, or obtain a list of all methods.

com_invoke (obj) returns a list of all methods available for object obj in result.

com_invoke (obj, method ) invokes method method for object obj and returns result result.

3.2.12 com_release

Loadable Function: com_release (obj)

Release interfaces from COM object obj

3.2.13 com_set

Loadable Function: S = com_set (obj, propname, value)

Call set function on COM object obj to set property propname to value value. Returns any result in S

3.2.14 iscom

Function File: tf = iscom (h)

Determine whether h is a COM object.

if h is a COM object, returns true, otherwise returns false.

See also: actxserver.