2 Basic Usage Overview

The usage is very close to the ZeroMQ library C language bindings for the socket creation and manipulation with the exception of creating a zeromq context, which is automatically done in the bindings internals.

For example, a basic client that does a request / reply from a server on port local port 5555 (available as zmq_example1.m):

%% Create socket and connect to server
requester = zmq_socket (ZMQ_REQ);
zmq_connect (requester, "tcp://localhost:5555");

%% send some data
zmq_send (requester, uint8("Hello"), 5, 0); 
%% try to read up to 10 bytes of reply data.
received = zmq_recv (requester, 10, 0);

zmq_close (requester);

An overview of the package can be displayed by running help zeromq

Help for each function can be displayed by help thefunctionname


help iszmq