: retval = arduinosetup ()
: retval = arduinosetup (propertyname, propertyvalue)

Open the arduino config / programming tool to program the arduino hardware for usage with the Octave arduino functions.

arduinosetup will create a temporary project using the arduino IDE and allow compiling and programming of the code to an arduino.


propertyname, propertyvalue - A sequence of property name/value pairs can be given to set defaults while programming.

Currently the following properties can be set:


The value should be the name of a library, or string array of libraries to program on the arduino board.


The value should be the name/path of the arduino IDE binary for programming. If not specified, the function will use getpref preferences of arduino.arduino_binary, and if not found, the function will attempt to find the binary itself.

If provided, the value will be saved to preferences for future calls.


retval - return 1 if arduino IDE returned without an error

See also: arduino, __arduino_binary__.

Package: arduino