GNU Octave comes with a large set of general-purpose functions that are listed below. This is the core set of functions that is available without any packages installed.
Select category:
Invoking Octave from the Command Line
Quitting Octave
Commands for Getting Help
Command Line Editing
Built-in Data Types
Object Sizes
Single Precision Data Types
Integer Data Types
Bit Manipulations
Logical Values
Predicates for Numeric Objects
Escape Sequences in String Constants
Character Arrays
Creating Strings
Comparing Strings
Manipulating Strings
String Conversions
Character Class Functions
Cell Arrays
Global Variables
Status of Variables
Index Expressions
Calling Functions
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Boolean Expressions
Calling a Function by its Name
Evaluation in a Different Context
Defining Functions
Multiple Return Values
Variable-length Argument Lists
Ignoring Arguments
Variable-length Return Lists
Function Files
Script Files
Function Handles, Anonymous Functions, Inline Functions
Handling Errors
Handling Warnings
Entering Debug Mode
Leaving Debug Mode
Debug Mode
Call Stack
Basic Input and Output
C-Style I/O Functions
High-Level Plotting
Graphics Data Structures
Advanced Plotting
Finding Elements and Checking Conditions
Rearranging Matrices
Special Utility Matrices
Famous Matrices
Exponents and Logarithms
Complex Arithmetic
Sums and Products
Utility Functions
Special Functions
Rational Approximations
Coordinate Transformations
Mathematical Constants
Basic Matrix Functions
Matrix Factorizations
Functions of a Matrix
Specialized Solvers
Basic Vectorization
Function Application
JIT Compiler
Creating and Manipulating Diagonal/Permutation Matrices
Creation and Manipulation of Sparse Matrices
Linear Algebra on Sparse Matrices
Iterative Techniques Applied to Sparse Matrices
Functions of One Variable
Orthogonal Collocation
Functions of Multiple Variables
Ordinary Differential Equations
Differential-Algebraic Equations
Linear Programming
Quadratic Programming
Nonlinear Programming
Linear Least Squares
Descriptive Statistics
Basic Statistical Functions
Statistical Plots
Correlation and Regression Analysis
Random Number Generation
Set Operations
Evaluating Polynomials
Finding Roots
Products of Polynomials
Derivatives / Integrals / Transforms
Polynomial Interpolation
Miscellaneous Functions
One-dimensional Interpolation
Multi-dimensional Interpolation
Delaunay Triangulation
Voronoi Diagrams
Convex Hull
Interpolation on Scattered Data
Loading and Saving Images
Displaying Images
Representing Images
Color Conversion
Audio File Utilities
Audio Device Information
Audio Player
Audio Recorder
Audio Data Processing
Creating a Class
Class Methods
Indexing Objects
Overloading Objects
I/O Dialogs
Progress Bar
UI Elements
GUI Utility Functions
User-Defined Preferences
Timing Utilities
Filesystem Utilities
File Archiving Utilities
Networking Utilities
Controlling Subprocesses
Process, Group, and User IDs
Environment Variables
Current Working Directory
Password Database Functions
Group Database Functions
System Information
Hashing Functions
Installing and Removing Packages
Creating Packages
Java Interface
Test Functions
Demonstration Functions
Display instructions for citing GNU Octave or its packages in publications.
Return the command line arguments passed to Octave.
Return the last component of the value returned by 'program_invocation_name'.
Return the name that was typed at the shell prompt to run Octave.
Exit the current Octave session.
Register a function to be called when Octave exits.
Display the help text for NAME.
Display documentation for the function FUNCTION_NAME directly from an online version of the printed manual, using the GNU Info browser.
Search for the string STR in the documentation of all functions in the current function search path.
Display the current NEWS file for Octave or an installed package.
Display contact information for the GNU Octave community.
Describe the conditions for copying and distributing Octave.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the Octave info file.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the info program to run.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the program that Octave runs to format help text containing Texinfo markup commands.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the file containing Texinfo macros that are prepended to documentation strings before they are passed to makeinfo.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the Octave documentation cache file.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the file containing docstrings for built-in Octave functions.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will add additional help information to the end of the output from the 'help' command and usage messages for built-in commands.
Generate documentation cache for all functions in DIRECTORY.
Return the raw help text of function NAME.
Return the raw help text from the file FNAME.
Return the first sentence of a function's help text.
Clear the terminal screen and move the cursor to the upper left corner.
Query or set the internal character variable that is appended to successful command-line completion attempts.
Generate possible completions given HINT.
If invoked with no arguments, 'history' displays a list of commands that you have executed.
Edit the history list using the editor named by the variable 'EDITOR'.
Run commands from the history list.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether commands entered on the command line are saved in the history file.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies how commands are saved to the history list.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the file used to store command history.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies how many entries to store in the history file.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the format string for the comment line that is written to the history file when Octave exits.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the default text editor.
Read the readline library initialization file FILE.
Re-read the last readline library initialization file that was read.
Query or set the primary prompt string.
Query or set the secondary prompt string.
Query or set the character string used to prefix output produced when echoing commands is enabled.
Record a list of all commands _and_ the output they produce, mixed together just as they appear on the terminal.
Control whether commands are displayed as they are executed.
Query or set the internal variable that controls the echo state.
Return the type of the expression EXPR, as a string.
Return the class of the object OBJ, or create a class with fields from structure S and name (string) ID.
Return true if OBJ is an object from the class CLASSNAME.
Convert VAL to data type TYPE.
Return a new array Y resulting from interpreting the data of X in memory as data of the numeric class CLASS.
Swap the byte order on values, converting from little endian to big endian and vice versa.
Return a new array Y resulting from interpreting the logical array X as raw bit patterns for data of the numeric class CLASS.
Return a logical array Y corresponding to the raw bit patterns of X.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the special constant used to designate missing values.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of X are NA (missing) values and false where they are not.
Return the number of dimensions of A.
Return the number of columns of A.
Return the number of rows of A.
Return the number of elements in the object A.
Return the length of the object A.
Return a row vector with the size (number of elements) of each dimension for the object A.
Return true if A is an empty matrix (any one of its dimensions is zero).
Return true if X is a special null matrix, string, or single quoted string.
Return the size of VAL in bytes.
Return true if the dimensions of all arguments agree.
Remove singleton dimensions from X and return the result.
Convert X to double precision type.
Return a complex value from real arguments.
Return the largest value allowed for the size of an array.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the maximum width of a numeric output field.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the minimum number of significant figures to display for numeric output.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether rows of a matrix may be split when displayed to a terminal window.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will use a scaled format to print matrix values.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether the dimensions of empty matrices are printed along with the empty matrix symbol, '[]'.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether ranges are stored in a special space-efficient format.
Convert X to single precision type.
Return true if X is an integer object (int8, uint8, int16, etc.).
Convert X to 8-bit integer type.
Convert X to unsigned 8-bit integer type.
Convert X to 16-bit integer type.
Convert X to unsigned 16-bit integer type.
Convert X to 32-bit integer type.
Convert X to unsigned 32-bit integer type.
Convert X to 64-bit integer type.
Convert X to unsigned 64-bit integer type.
Return the largest integer that can be represented in an integer type.
Return the smallest integer that can be represented in an integer type.
Return the largest integer that can be represented consecutively in a floating point value.
Integer division with different rounding rules.
Set or reset bit(s) N of the unsigned integers in A.
Return the status of bit(s) N of the unsigned integers in A.
Return the bitwise AND of non-negative integers.
Return the bitwise OR of non-negative integers X and Y.
Return the bitwise XOR of non-negative integers X and Y.
Return the K-bit complement of integers in A.
Return a K bit shift of N-digit unsigned integers in A.
Convert the numeric object X to logical type.
Return a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all logical 1.
Return a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all logical 0.
Return true if X is a numeric object, i.e., an integer, real, or complex array.
Return true if X is a logical object.
Return true if X is a floating-point numeric object.
Return true if X is a non-complex matrix or scalar.
Return true if X is a complex-valued numeric object.
Return true if A is a 2-D array.
Return true if X is a vector.
Return true if X is a row vector 1xN with non-negative N.
Return true if X is a column vector Nx1 with non-negative N.
Return true if X is a scalar.
Return true if X is a square matrix.
Return true if A is a symmetric matrix within the tolerance specified by TOL.
Return true if A is Hermitian within the tolerance specified by TOL.
Return 1 if A is symmetric positive definite within the tolerance specified by TOL or 0 if A is symmetric positive semidefinite.
Return true if A is a matrix with entries confined between LOWER diagonals below the main diagonal and UPPER diagonals above the main diagonal.
Return true if A is a diagonal matrix.
Return true if A is a lower triangular matrix.
Return true if A is an upper triangular matrix.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of X are prime numbers and false where they are not.
Return true if X is a double-quoted character string.
Return true if X is a single-quoted character string.
Return true if X is a character array.
Query or set the internal variable used to pad all rows of a character matrix to the same length.
Return a string of N blanks.
Create a string array from one or more numeric matrices, character matrices, or cell arrays.
Create a character array from one or more numeric matrices, character matrices, or cell arrays.
Return a string containing all the arguments concatenated horizontally.
Return a string containing all the arguments concatenated horizontally with trailing white space preserved.
Format real, complex, and logical matrices as strings.
Convert a number (or array) to a string (or a character array).
Convert an integer (or array of integers) to a string (or a character array).
Return 1 if the character strings S1 and S2 are the same, and 0 otherwise.
Return 1 if the first N characters of strings S1 and S2 are the same, and 0 otherwise.
Return 1 if the character strings S1 and S2 are the same, disregarding case of alphabetic characters, and 0 otherwise.
Return 1 if the first N character of S1 and S2 are the same, disregarding case of alphabetic characters, and 0 otherwise.
Remove trailing whitespace and nulls from S.
Remove leading and trailing whitespace from S.
Truncate the character string S to length N.
Return the vector of all positions in the longer of the two strings S and T where an occurrence of the shorter of the two starts.
Search for the string STR for occurrences of characters from the set CHARS.
Return the position of the first occurrence of the string T in the string S, or 0 if no occurrence is found.
Return the position of the last occurrence of the character string T in the character string S, or 0 if no occurrence is found.
Search for PATTERN in the string STR and return the starting index of every such occurrence in the vector IDX.
Join the elements of the cell string array, CSTR, into a single string.
Return indices of entries of A which begin with the string S.
Find all characters in the string STR up to, but not including, the first character which is in the string DELIM.
Split the string STR using the delimiters specified by DEL and return a cell string array of substrings.
Split the string S using one or more separators SEP and return a cell array of strings.
Read data from a string.
Replace all occurrences of the pattern PTN in the string STR with the string REP and return the result.
Return the substring of S which starts at character number OFFSET and is LEN characters long.
Regular expression string matching.
Case insensitive regular expression string matching.
Replace occurrences of pattern PAT in STRING with REPSTR.
Translate a string for use in a regular expression.
Replace TAB characters in T with spaces.
Return the decimal number corresponding to the binary number represented by the string S.
Return a binary number corresponding to the non-negative integer D, as a string of ones and zeros.
Return the hexadecimal string corresponding to the non-negative integer D.
Return the integer corresponding to the hexadecimal number represented by the string S.
Return a string of symbols in base BASE corresponding to the non-negative integer D.
Convert S from a string of digits in base BASE to a decimal integer (base 10).
Typecast a double or single precision number or vector to a 8 or 16 character hexadecimal string of the IEEE 754 representation of the number.
Typecast the 16 character hexadecimal character string to an IEEE 754 double precision number.
Convert a string to a real or complex number.
Return the text, S, justified according to POS, which may be "left", "center", or "right".
Convert the string (or character array) S to a number (or an array).
Return ASCII representation of S in a matrix.
Return a copy of the string or cell string S, with each uppercase character replaced by the corresponding lowercase one; non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged.
Return a copy of the string or cell string S, with each lowercase character replaced by the corresponding uppercase one; non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged.
Convert escape sequences in STRING to the characters they represent.
Convert special characters in strings back to their escaped forms.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are letters or digits and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are letters and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are letters and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are lowercase letters and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are uppercase letters and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are decimal digits (0-9) and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are hexadecimal digits (0-9 and a-fA-F).
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are punctuation characters and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are whitespace characters (space, formfeed, newline, carriage return, tab, and vertical tab) and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are control characters and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are printable characters (but not the space character) and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are printable characters (including the space character) and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of S are ASCII characters (in the range 0 to 127 decimal) and false where they are not.
Test character string properties.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the number of structure levels to display.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies whether to print struct array contents.
Create a scalar or array structure and initialize its values.
Return true if X is a structure or a structure array.
Return the number of fields of the structure S.
Return a cell array of strings with the names of the fields in the specified input.
Return true if the X is a structure and it includes an element named NAME.
Return a _copy_ of the structure S with the field member FIELD set to the value VAL.
Get the value of the field named FIELD from a structure or nested structure S.
Return a _copy_ of the structure (array) S with the field F removed.
Return a _copy_ of S1 with fields arranged alphabetically, or as specified by the second input.
Create a subscript structure for use with 'subsref' or 'subsasgn'.
Create a new cell array from the objects stored in the struct object.
Recursively display the contents of a cell array.
Return true if X is a cell array object.
Create a new cell array object.
Convert the numeric matrix A to a cell array.
Convert the matrix A to a cell array.
Given an array X, this function produces a cell array of slices from the array determined by the index vectors LB, UB, for lower and upper bounds, respectively.
Perform indexing of matrices in a cell array.
Create a new cell array object from the elements of the string array STRMAT.
Return true if every element of the cell array CELL is a character string.
Convert the cell array C into a matrix by concatenating all elements of C into a hyperrectangle.
Convert CELL to a structure.
The most recently computed result that was not explicitly assigned to a variable.
Return true if NAME is a valid variable name.
Create valid unique variable name(s) from STR.
Return the MATLAB compatible maximum variable name length.
Return true if NAME is a globally visible variable.
List currently defined variables matching the given patterns.
Provide detailed information on currently defined variables matching the given patterns.
Query or set the format string used by the command 'whos'.
Check for the existence of NAME as a variable, function, file, directory, or class.
Delete the names matching the given patterns from the symbol table.
Consolidate workspace memory in MATLAB.
Display the contents of NAME which may be a file, function (m-file), variable, operator, or keyword.
Display the type of each NAME.
List the Octave specific files in directory DIR.
Convert subscripts to linear indices.
Convert linear indices to subscripts.
Return true if IND is a valid index.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether non-integer ranges are allowed as indices.
Query or set the internal limit on the number of times a function may be called recursively.
Return the complex conjugate transpose of X.
Return the element-by-element left division of X and Y.
This function and x - y are equivalent.
Return the matrix left division of X and Y.
Return the matrix power operation of X raised to the Y power.
Return the matrix right division of X and Y.
Return the matrix multiplication product of inputs.
This function and x + y are equivalent.
Return the element-by-element operation of X raised to the Y power.
Return the element-by-element right division of X and Y.
Return the element-by-element multiplication product of inputs.
Return the transpose of X.
This function and - x are equivalent.
This function and + x are equivalent.
Return true if the two inputs are equal.
This function is equivalent to 'x >= y'.
This function is equivalent to 'x > y'.
Return true if all of X1, X2, ...
Return true if all of X1, X2, ...
This function is equivalent to 'x <= y'.
This function is equivalent to 'x < y'.
Return true if the two inputs are not equal.
Return the logical AND of X and Y.
Return the logical NOT of X.
Return the logical OR of X and Y.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will do short-circuit evaluation of '|' and '&' operators inside the conditions of if or while statements.
Merge elements of TRUE_VAL and FALSE_VAL, depending on the value of MASK.
Parse the string TRY and evaluate it as if it were an Octave program.
Parse and evaluate the string TRY as if it were an Octave program, while capturing the output into the return variable S.
Evaluate the function named NAME.
Run SCRIPT in the current workspace.
Like 'eval', except that the expressions are evaluated in the context CONTEXT, which may be either "caller" or "base".
Assign VALUE to VARNAME in context CONTEXT, which may be either "base" or "caller".
Report the number of input arguments to a function.
Return the name of the N-th argument to the calling function.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether internal output from a function is suppressed.
Return the Nth output argument of the function specified by the function handle or string FUNC.
Report the number of output arguments from a function.
Check for correct number of input arguments.
Check for correct number of output arguments.
Verify that STR is an element, or substring of an element, in STRARRAY.
Check validity of input argument.
Not documented
Return in REG the cell elements of PARAM up to the first string element and in PROP all remaining elements beginning with the first string element.
Within a function, return a logical value indicating whether the argument K will be assigned to a variable on output.
Copy the input parameters into the corresponding output parameters.
Edit the named function, or change editor settings.
Return the name of the currently executing file.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave checks the time stamp on files each time it looks up functions defined in function files.
Add named directories to the function search path.
Return a path constructed from DIR and all its subdirectories.
Remove DIR1, ...
Save the unique portion of the current function search path that is not set during Octave's initialization process to FILE.
Modify or display Octave's load path.
Return the default path for Octave.
Query or set the character used to separate directories in a path.
Reinitialize Octave's load path directory cache.
Return the absolute name of FILE if it can be found in the list of directories specified by 'path'.
Restore Octave's path to its initial state at startup.
Return the command line path variable.
Return the full name of the path element matching DIR.
Return a list of all local functions, i.e., subfunctions, within the current file.
Call the base function F even if F is overloaded to another function for the given type signature.
Define FUNCTION to autoload from FILE.
Lock the current function into memory so that it can't be cleared.
Unlock the named function FCN.
Return true if the named function FCN is locked.
Parse and execute the contents of FILE.
Generate reports from Octave script files in several output formats.
Grab by the 'publish' function generated HTML reports from Octave script files.
Return true if X is a function handle.
Return a structure containing information about the function handle FCN_HANDLE.
Return a string containing the name of the function referenced by the function handle FCN_HANDLE.
Return a function handle constructed from the string FCN_NAME.
Create an inline function from the character string STR.
Return a cell array of character strings containing the names of the arguments of the inline function FUN.
Return a character string representing the inline function FUN.
Identify the symbolic variable names in the string STR.
Display an error message and stop m-file execution.
Print the usage message for the function NAME.
Produce a beep from the speaker (or visual bell).
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try to ring the terminal bell before printing an error message.
Query or set the last error message structure.
Query or set the last error message.
'Octave:invalid-context' Indicates the error was generated by an operation that cannot be executed in the scope from which it was called.
Reissue a previous error as defined by ERR.
Return the current value of the system-dependent variable errno, set its value to VAL and return the previous value, or return the named error code given NAME as a character string, or -1 if NAME is n
Return a structure containing the system-dependent errno values.
Create a special object that executes a given function upon destruction.
Display a warning message or control the behavior of Octave's warning system.
Query or set the last warning message.
'Octave:abbreviated-property-match' By default, the 'Octave:abbreviated-property-match' warning is enabled.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try to enter debugging mode when it receives an interrupt signal (typically generated with 'C-c').
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try to enter the debugger when a warning is encountered.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try to enter the debugger when an error is encountered.
Leave command-line debugging mode and continue code execution normally.
Quit debugging mode immediately without further code execution and return to the Octave prompt.
Set breakpoints for the built-in debugger.
Report the location of active breakpoints.
Delete a breakpoint at line number LINE in the function FUNC.
Stop m-file execution and enter debug mode.
In debugging mode, report the current file and line number where execution is stopped.
Display a script file with line numbers.
In debugging mode, list N lines of the function being debugged centered around the current line to be executed.
Return true if in debugging mode, otherwise false.
In debugging mode, execute the next N lines of code.
Display or return current debugging function stack information.
In debugging mode, move up the execution stack N frames.
In debugging mode, move down the execution stack N frames.
Control the built-in profiler.
Display flat per-function profiler results.
Export profiler data as HTML.
Interactively explore hierarchical profiler output.
Display the value of X.
Return a string containing the elements of ARG listed in columns with an overall maximum width of WIDTH and optional prefix PREFIX.
Return a two-element row vector containing the current size of the terminal window in characters (rows and columns).
Reset or specify the format of the output produced by 'disp' and Octave's normal echoing mechanism.
Turn output pagination on or off.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the program to use to display terminal output on your system.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the options to pass to the pager.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether output intended for the terminal window that is longer than one page is sent through a pager.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave sends output to the pager as soon as it is available.
Flush output to file descriptor FID.
Print PROMPT and wait for user input.
Display a menu with heading TITLE and options OPT1, ..., and wait for user input.
Ask the user a yes-or-no question.
Read a single keystroke from the keyboard.
Save the named variables V1, V2, ..., in the file FILE.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the default options for the 'save' command, and defines the default format.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the number of digits to keep when saving data in text format.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the format string used for the comment line written at the beginning of text-format data files saved by Octave.
Load the named variables V1, V2, ..., from the file FILE.
Read the contents of FILENAME and return it as a string.
Return the native floating point format as a string.
Display the value of X on the stream FID.
Write the numeric matrix M to the text file FILE using a delimiter.
Read numeric data from the text file FILE which uses the delimiter SEP between data values.
Write the numeric matrix X to the file FILENAME in comma-separated-value (CSV) format.
Read the comma-separated-value (CSV) file FILENAME into the matrix X.
Read data from a text file.
Read data from a text file or string.
Import data from the file FNAME.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries to save all current variables to the file 'octave-workspace' if it crashes or receives a hangup, terminate or similar signal.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries to save all current variables to the file 'octave-workspace' if it receives a hangup signal.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries to save all current variables to the file 'octave-workspace' if it receives a terminate signal.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the options used for saving the workspace data if Octave aborts.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the maximum amount of memory (in kilobytes) of the top-level workspace that Octave will attempt to save when writing data to the crash dump file (the
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the file used for saving data from the top-level workspace if Octave aborts.
Return the numeric value corresponding to the standard input stream.
Return the numeric value corresponding to the standard output stream.
Return the numeric value corresponding to the standard error stream.
Open a file for low-level I/O or query open files and file descriptors.
Close the file specified by the file descriptor FID.
Return true if FID refers to an open file.
Write the string STRING to the file with file descriptor FID.
Write a string to the standard output with no formatting.
Read characters from a file, stopping after a newline, or EOF, or LEN characters have been read.
Read characters from a file, stopping after a newline, or EOF, or LEN characters have been read.
Read and skip COUNT lines from the file specified by the file descriptor FID.
Print optional arguments under the control of the template string TEMPLATE to the stream 'stdout' and return the number of characters printed.
This function is equivalent to 'printf', except that the output is written to the file descriptor FID instead of 'stdout'.
This is like 'printf', except that the output is returned as a string.
In the first form, read from FID according to TEMPLATE, returning the result in the matrix VAL.
This is equivalent to calling 'fscanf' with FID = 'stdin'.
This is like 'fscanf', except that the characters are taken from the string STRING instead of from a stream.
Read binary data from the file specified by the file descriptor FID.
Write data in binary form to the file specified by the file descriptor FID, returning the number of values COUNT successfully written to the file.
Return the file descriptor FID corresponding to a new temporary file with a unique name created from TEMPLATE.
Return the file ID corresponding to a new temporary file with a unique name.
Return a unique temporary filename as a string.
Return the name of the host system's directory for temporary files.
Return the name of the host system's *default* directory for temporary files.
Return 1 if an end-of-file condition has been encountered for the file specified by file descriptor FID and 0 otherwise.
Query the error status of the stream specified by file descriptor FID
Clear the stream state for the file specified by the file descriptor FID.
Print a list of which files have been opened, and whether they are open for reading, writing, or both.
Return the position of the file pointer as the number of characters from the beginning of the file specified by file descriptor FID.
Set the file pointer to the location OFFSET within the file FID.
Return the numerical value to pass to 'fseek' to perform one of the following actions:
Move the file pointer to the beginning of the file specified by file descriptor FID.
Produce 2-D plots.
Plot two sets of data with independent y-axes and a common x-axis.
Produce a 2-D plot using a logarithmic scale for the x-axis.
Produce a 2-D plot using a logarithmic scale for the y-axis.
Produce a 2-D plot using logarithmic scales for both axes.
Produce a bar graph from two vectors of X-Y data.
Produce a horizontal bar graph from two vectors of X-Y data.
Produce histogram counts or plots.
Compute and display a stem and leaf plot of the vector X.
Convert any object acceptable to 'disp' into the format selected by the suffix of FILENAME.
Produce a stairstep plot.
Plot a 2-D stem graph.
Plot a 3-D stem graph.
Draw a 2-D scatter plot.
Scatter plot of the columns of one matrix against another.
Draw a Pareto chart.
Plot an angular histogram.
Create a 2-D contour plot.
Create a 2-D contour plot with filled intervals.
Compute contour lines (isolines of constant Z value).
Create a 3-D contour plot.
Create a 2-D plot with errorbars.
Produce 2-D plots using a logarithmic scale for the x-axis and errorbars at each data point.
Produce 2-D plots using a logarithmic scale for the y-axis and errorbars at each data point.
Produce 2-D plots on a double logarithm axis with errorbars.
Create a 2-D plot from polar coordinates THETA and RHO.
Plot a 2-D pie chart.
Plot a 3-D pie chart.
Plot a 2-D vector field with arrows.
Plot a 3-D vector field with arrows.
Plot the '(U, V)' components of a vector field emanating from the origin of a polar plot.
Plot the '(U, V)' components of a vector field emanating from equidistant points on the x-axis.
Produce a 2-D density plot.
Area plot of the columns of Y.
Create one or more filled 2-D polygons.
Produce a simple comet style animation along the trajectory provided by the input coordinate vectors (X, Y).
Produce a simple comet style animation along the trajectory provided by the input coordinate vectors (X, Y, Z).
Convert movie frame to indexed image.
Convert image to movie frame.
Set axis limits and appearance.
Query or set color axis limits for plots.
Query or set the limits of the x-axis for the current plot.
Plot a function FN within the range defined by LIMITS.
Plot the 2-D curve defined by the function F.
Plot the contour lines of a function.
Plot the filled contour lines of a function.
Plot a 2-D function in polar coordinates.
Draw a rectangular patch defined by POS and CURV.
Plot a 3-D wireframe mesh.
Plot a 3-D wireframe mesh with underlying contour lines.
Plot a 3-D wireframe mesh with a surrounding curtain.
Control mesh hidden line removal.
Plot a 3-D surface mesh.
Plot a 3-D surface mesh with underlying contour lines.
Plot a 3-D surface using shading based on various lighting models.
Find the vectors normal to a meshgridded surface.
Calculate isosurface of 3-D volume data.
Calculate normals to an isosurface.
Create end-caps for isosurfaces of 3-D data.
Compute isosurface colors.
Smooth values of 3-dimensional matrix DATA.
Reduce the volume of the dataset in V according to the values in R.
Reduce the number of faces and vertices in a patch object while retaining the overall shape of the patch.
Reduce the size of faces in a patch by the shrink factor SF.
Calculate the diffuse reflection strength of a surface defined by the normal vector elements SX, SY, SZ.
Calculate the specular reflection strength of a surface defined by the normal vector elements SX, SY, SZ using Phong's approximation.
Set the lighting of patch or surface graphic objects.
Set reflectance properties for the lighting of surfaces and patches.
Add a light object to a figure using a simple interface.
Given vectors of X and Y coordinates, return matrices XX and YY corresponding to a full 2-D grid.
Given n vectors X1, ..., Xn, 'ndgrid' returns n arrays of dimension n.
Produce 3-D plots.
Query or set the viewpoint for the current axes.
Plot slices of 3-D data/scalar fields.
Draw a ribbon plot for the columns of Y vs.
Set the shading of patch or surface graphic objects.
Draw a 3-D scatter plot.
Plot a 3-D waterfall plot.
Query or set the data aspect ratio of the current axes.
Query or set the plot box aspect ratio of the current axes.
Plot a parametrically defined curve in three dimensions.
Plot the mesh defined by a function.
Plot the mesh and contour lines defined by a function.
Plot the surface defined by a function.
Plot the surface and contour lines defined by a function.
Plot a 3-D unit cylinder.
Plot a 3-D unit sphere.
Plot a 3-D ellipsoid.
Specify the string used as a title for the current axis.
Display a legend for the current axes using the specified strings as labels.
Create a text object with text STRING at position X, Y, (Z) on the current axes.
Specify the string used to label the x-axis of the current axis.
Add labels to the contours of a contour plot.
Control display of the axis border.
Control the display of plot grid lines.
Add a colorbar to the current axes.
Draw annotations to emphasize parts of a figure.
Set up a plot grid with ROWS by COLS subwindows and set the current axes for plotting ('gca') to the location given by INDEX.
Create a new figure window for plotting.
Control the interactive panning mode of a figure in the GUI.
Rotate the plot object H through ALPHA degrees around the line with direction DIR and origin ORIGIN.
Control the interactive 3-D rotation mode of a figure in the GUI.
Zoom the current axes object or control the interactive zoom mode of a figure in the GUI.
Update figure windows and their children.
Refresh a figure, forcing it to be redrawn.
Prepare graphics engine to produce a new plot.
Toggle or set the "hold" state of the plotting engine which determines whether new graphic objects are added to the plot or replace the existing objects.
Return true if the next plot will be added to the current plot, or false if the plot device will be cleared before drawing the next plot.
Clear the current figure window.
Clear the current axes.
Show the graph window.
Delete the named file or graphics handle.
Close figure window(s).
Close the current figure and delete all graphics objects associated with it.
Print a plot, or save it to a file.
Save graphic object H to the file FILENAME in graphic format FMT.
Query or set the print orientation for figure HFIG.
Save the graphics handle H to the file FILENAME in the format FMT.
Load the graphics object in FILENAME into the graphics handle H.
Return the position and type of mouse button clicks and/or key strokes in the current figure window.
Wait for mouse click or key press over the current figure window.
Place text on the current figure using the mouse.
Plot the familiar 3-D sombrero function.
Plot a function with lots of local maxima and minima.
Return true if PROP is a property of the object OBJ.
Create an axes object and return a handle to it, or set the current axes to HAX.
Create line object from X and Y (and possibly Z) and insert in the current axes.
Create patch object in the current axes with vertices at locations (X, Y) and of color C.
Create a surface graphic object given matrices X and Y from 'meshgrid' and a matrix of values Z corresponding to the X and Y coordinates of the surface.
Create a light object in the current axes or for axes HAX.
Return true if H is a graphics handle and false otherwise.
Return true if H is a graphics handle (of type TYPE) and false otherwise.
Return true if H is an axes graphics handle and false otherwise.
Return true if H is a figure graphics handle and false otherwise.
Return a handle to the current figure.
Return a handle to the current axis object.
Return a handle to the current object of the current figure, or a handle to the current object of the figure with handle FIG.
Return the value of the named property P from the graphics handle H.
Set named property values for the graphics handle (or vector of graphics handles) H.
Return the first ancestor of handle object H whose type matches TYPE, where TYPE is a character string.
Find all children, including hidden children, of a graphics object.
Find all visible figures that are currently off the screen and move them onto the screen.
Return a structure, S, whose fields describe the properties of the object, and its children, associated with the handle, H.
Construct a graphics handle object H from the structure S.
Construct a copy of the graphic objects associated with the handles HORIG and return new handles HNEW to the new objects.
Find graphics object with specified property values.
Find graphics object, including hidden ones, with specified property values.
Reset the properties of the graphic object H to their default values.
Parse LINESPEC and return the line style, color, and markers given.
Return a handle to the object whose callback is currently executing.
Return a handle to the figure containing the object whose callback is currently executing.
Set the application data NAME to VALUE for the graphics object with handle H.
Return the VALUE of the application data NAME for the graphics object with handle H.
Delete the application data NAME from the graphics object with handle H.
Return true if the named application data, NAME, exists for the graphics object with handle H.
Create handle graphics group object with axes parent HAX.
Create a new property named NAME in graphics object H.
Register FCN as listener for the property PROP of the graphics object H.
Remove the registration of FCN as a listener for the property PROP of the graphics object H.
Link graphic object properties, such that a change in one is propagated to the others.
Link the axis limits of 2-D plots such that a change in one is propagated to the others.
Evaluate any 'datasource' properties of the current figure and update the plot if the corresponding data has changed.
Query or set the default graphics toolkit which is assigned to new figures.
Return a cell array of registered graphics toolkits.
Return a cell array of the currently loaded graphics toolkits.
List TOOLKIT as an available graphics toolkit.
Query or set the name of the program invoked by the plot command when the graphics toolkit is set to "gnuplot".
For a vector argument, return true (logical 1) if any element of the vector is nonzero.
For a vector argument, return true (logical 1) if all elements of the vector are nonzero.
Return the "exclusive or" of X and Y.
If X is a vector of length n, 'diff (X)' is the vector of first differences X(2) - X(1), ..., X(n) - X(n-1).
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of X are infinite and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of X are NaN values and false where they are not.
Return a logical array which is true where the elements of X are finite values and false where they are not.
Determine if all input arguments are either scalar or of common size.
Return a vector of indices of nonzero elements of a matrix, as a row if X is a row vector or as a column otherwise.
Lookup values in a sorted table.
Flip array left to right.
Flip array upside down.
Flip array across dimension DIM.
Rotate array by 90 degree increments.
Return a copy of X with the elements rotated counterclockwise in 90-degree increments.
Return the concatenation of N-D array objects, ARRAY1, ARRAY2, ..., ARRAYN along dimension DIM.
Return the horizontal concatenation of N-D array objects, ARRAY1, ARRAY2, ..., ARRAYN along dimension 2.
Return the vertical concatenation of N-D array objects, ARRAY1, ARRAY2, ..., ARRAYN along dimension 1.
Return the generalized transpose for an N-D array object A.
The inverse of the 'permute' function.
Return a matrix with the specified dimensions (M, N, ...) whose elements are taken from the matrix A.
Resize X cutting off elements as necessary.
Circularly shift the values of the array X.
If X is a vector, perform a circular shift of length B of the elements of X.
Shift the dimensions of X by N, where N must be an integer scalar.
Return a copy of X with the elements arranged in increasing order.
Sort the rows of the matrix A according to the order of the columns specified in C.
Return true if the array is sorted according to MODE, which may be either "ascending", "descending", or "either".
Select the n-th smallest element of a vector, using the ordering defined by 'sort'.
Return a new matrix formed by extracting the lower ('tril') or upper ('triu') triangular part of the matrix A, and setting all other elements to zero.
Return the vector obtained by stacking the columns of the matrix X one above the other.
Return the vector obtained by eliminating all superdiagonal elements of the square matrix X and stacking the result one column above the other.
Prepend the scalar value C to the vector X until it is of length L.
Append the scalar value C to the vector X until it is of length L.
Return a diagonal matrix with vector V on diagonal K.
Build a block diagonal matrix from A, B, C, ...
Return an identity matrix.
Return a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all 1.
Return a matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all 0.
Repeat matrix or N-D array.
Construct a vector of repeated elements from X.
Return a row vector with N linearly spaced elements between BASE and LIMIT.
Return a row vector with N elements logarithmically spaced from 10^A to 10^B.
Return a matrix with random elements uniformly distributed on the interval (0, 1).
Return random integers in the range 1:IMAX.
Return a matrix with normally distributed random elements having zero mean and variance one.
Return a matrix with exponentially distributed random elements.
Return a matrix with Poisson distributed random elements with mean value parameter given by the first argument, L.
Return a matrix with 'gamma (A,1)' distributed random elements.
Return a row vector containing a random permutation of '1:N'.
Create interesting matrices for testing.
Construct a Hadamard matrix (Hn) of size N-by-N.
Return the Hankel matrix constructed from the first column C, and (optionally) the last row R.
Return the Hilbert matrix of order N.
Return the inverse of the Hilbert matrix of order N.
Create an N-by-N magic square.
Return the Pascal matrix of order N if 'T = 0'.
Return the Rosser matrix.
Return the Toeplitz matrix constructed from the first column C, and (optionally) the first row R.
Return the Vandermonde matrix whose next to last column is C.
Return the Wilkinson matrix of order N.
Compute 'e^x' for each element of X.
Compute 'exp (X) - 1' accurately in the neighborhood of zero.
Compute the natural logarithm, 'ln (X)', for each element of X.
Return the real-valued natural logarithm of each element of X.
Compute 'log (1 + X)' accurately in the neighborhood of zero.
Compute the base-10 logarithm of each element of X.
Compute the base-2 logarithm of each element of X.
With one input argument, compute 2 .^ x for each element of X.
Compute the exponent for the smallest power of two larger than the input.
Compute the real-valued, element-by-element power operator.
Compute the square root of each element of X.
Return the real-valued square root of each element of X.
Compute the real cube root of each element of X.
Compute the real (non-complex) N-th root of X.
Compute the magnitude of Z.
Compute the argument, i.e., angle of Z.
Return the complex conjugate of Z.
Sort the numbers Z into complex conjugate pairs ordered by increasing real part.
Return the imaginary part of Z as a real number.
Return the real part of Z.
Convert degrees to radians.
Convert radians to degrees.
Compute the sine for each element of X in radians.
Compute the cosine for each element of X in radians.
Compute the tangent for each element of X in radians.
Compute the secant for each element of X in radians.
Compute the cosecant for each element of X in radians.
Compute the cotangent for each element of X in radians.
Compute the inverse sine in radians for each element of X.
Compute the inverse cosine in radians for each element of X.
Compute the inverse tangent in radians for each element of X.
Compute the inverse secant in radians for each element of X.
Compute the inverse cosecant in radians for each element of X.
Compute the inverse cotangent in radians for each element of X.
Compute the hyperbolic sine for each element of X.
Compute the hyperbolic cosine for each element of X.
Compute hyperbolic tangent for each element of X.
Compute the hyperbolic secant of each element of X.
Compute the hyperbolic cosecant of each element of X.
Compute the hyperbolic cotangent of each element of X.
Compute the inverse hyperbolic sine for each element of X.
Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosine for each element of X.
Compute the inverse hyperbolic tangent for each element of X.
Compute the inverse hyperbolic secant of each element of X.
Compute the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of each element of X.
Compute the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of each element of X.
Compute atan (Y / X) for corresponding elements of Y and X.
Compute the sine for each element of X in degrees.
Compute the cosine for each element of X in degrees.
Compute the tangent for each element of X in degrees.
Compute the secant for each element of X in degrees.
Compute the cosecant for each element of X in degrees.
Compute the cotangent for each element of X in degrees.
Compute the inverse sine in degrees for each element of X.
Compute the inverse cosine in degrees for each element of X.
Compute the inverse tangent in degrees for each element of X.
Compute atan2 (Y / X) in degrees for corresponding elements from Y and X.
Compute the inverse secant in degrees for each element of X.
Compute the inverse cosecant in degrees for each element of X.
Compute the inverse cotangent in degrees for each element of X.
Sum of elements along dimension DIM.
Product of elements along dimension DIM.
Cumulative sum of elements along dimension DIM.
Cumulative product of elements along dimension DIM.
Sum of squares of elements along dimension DIM.
Return the smallest integer not less than X.
Truncate fractional portion of X and return the integer portion.
Return the largest integer not greater than X.
Return the integer nearest to X.
Return the integer nearest to X.
Find maximum values in the array X.
Find minimum values in the array X.
Return the cumulative maximum values along dimension DIM.
Return the cumulative minimum values along dimension DIM.
Compute the element-by-element square root of the sum of the squares of X and Y.
Calculate the gradient of sampled data or a function.
Compute the dot product of two vectors.
Compute the vector cross product of two 3-dimensional vectors X and Y.
Calculate divergence of a vector field given by the arrays FX, FY, and FZ or FX, FY respectively.
Calculate curl of vector field given by the arrays FX, FY, and FZ or FX, FY respectively.
Calculate the discrete Laplace operator.
Return the factorial of N where N is a real non-negative integer.
Return the prime factorization of Q.
Compute the greatest common divisor of A1, A2, ....
Compute the least common multiple of X and Y, or of the list of all arguments.
Truncate elements of X to a length of NDIGITS such that the resulting numbers are exactly divisible by BASE.
Return the remainder of the division 'X / Y'.
Compute the modulo of X and Y.
Return all primes up to N.
List the first N primes.
Compute the "signum" function.
Return logical true if the value of X has its sign bit set and false otherwise.
Compute Airy functions of the first and second kind, and their derivatives.
Compute Bessel or Hankel functions of various kinds:
Compute the Beta function for real inputs A and B.
Compute the regularized incomplete Beta function.
Compute the inverse of the incomplete Beta function.
Compute the natural logarithm of the Beta function for real inputs A and B.
Return the binomial coefficient of N and K, defined as
Return the commutation matrix K(m,n) which is the unique M*N by M*N matrix such that K(m,n) * vec(A) = vec(A') for all m by n matrices A.
Return the duplication matrix Dn which is the unique n^2 by n*(n+1)/2 matrix such that Dn vech (A) = vec (A) for all symmetric n by n matrices A.
Compute the Dawson (scaled imaginary error) function.
Compute the Jacobi elliptic functions SN, CN, and DN of complex argument U and real parameter M.
Compute complete elliptic integrals of the first K(M) and second E(M) kind.
Compute the error function.
Compute the complementary error function.
Compute the scaled complementary error function.
Compute the imaginary error function.
Compute the inverse error function.
Compute the inverse complementary error function.
Compute the exponential integral:
Compute the Gamma function.
Compute the normalized incomplete gamma function.
Compute the associated Legendre function of degree N and order M = 0 ...
Return the natural logarithm of the gamma function of X.
Compute the psi (polygamma) function.
Find a rational approximation to X within the tolerance defined by TOL using a continued fraction expansion.
Convert X into a rational approximation represented as a string.
Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical coordinates.
Transform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
Transform Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates.
Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the base of natural logarithms.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the pure imaginary unit, defined as 'sqrt (-1)'.
Return a scalar, matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the IEEE representation for positive infinity.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the IEEE symbol NaN (Not a Number).
Return a scalar, matrix or N-dimensional array whose elements are all eps, the machine precision.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the largest floating point number that is representable.
Return a scalar, matrix, or N-dimensional array whose elements are all equal to the smallest normalized floating point number that is representable.
Balance the matrix A to reduce numerical errors in future calculations.
Compute the bandwidth of A.
Compute the P-norm condition number of a matrix with respect to inversion.
Compute condition numbers of a matrix with respect to eigenvalues.
Compute the determinant of A.
Compute the right eigenvalues(V) and optionally the eigenvectors(lambda) and the left eigenvalues(W) of a matrix or a pair of matrices.
Compute the Givens rotation matrix G.
Given a two-element column vector, return the 2 by 2 orthogonal matrix G such that 'Y = G * X' and 'Y(2) = 0'.
Compute the inverse of the square matrix A.
Solve the linear system 'A*x = b'.
Identify the matrix type or mark a matrix as a particular type.
Compute the p-norm of the matrix A.
Return an orthonormal basis of the null space of A.
Return an orthonormal basis of the range space of A.
Orthogonalize a given column vector X with respect to a set of orthonormal vectors comprising the columns of V using the modified Gram-Schmidt method.
Return the pseudoinverse of X.
Compute the rank of matrix A, using the singular value decomposition.
Compute the 1-norm estimate of the reciprocal condition number as returned by LAPACK.
Compute the trace of A, the sum of the elements along the main diagonal.
Return the reduced row echelon form of A.
Compute the upper Cholesky factor, R, of the real symmetric or complex Hermitian positive definite matrix A.
Compute the inverse of the symmetric positive definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization.
Invert a symmetric, positive definite square matrix from its Cholesky decomposition, U.
Update or downdate a Cholesky factorization.
Given a Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian positive definite matrix A = R'*R, R upper triangular, return the Cholesky factorization of A1, where A1(p,p) = A, A1(:,j) = A1(
Given a Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian positive definite matrix A = R'*R, R upper triangular, return the Cholesky factorization of A(p,p), where p = [1:j-1,j+1:n+1].
Given a Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian positive definite matrix A = R'*R, R upper triangular, return the Cholesky factorization of A(p,p), where p is the permutation '
Compute the Hessenberg decomposition of the matrix A.
Compute the LU decomposition of A.
Given an LU factorization of a real or complex matrix A = L*U, L lower unit trapezoidal and U upper trapezoidal, return the LU factorization of A + X*Y.', where X and Y are column vectors (rank-1 upda
Compute the QR factorization of A, using standard LAPACK subroutines.
Given a QR factorization of a real or complex matrix A = Q*R, Q unitary and R upper trapezoidal, return the QR factorization of A + U*V', where U and V are column vectors (rank-1 update) or matrices w
Given a QR factorization of a real or complex matrix A = Q*R, Q unitary and R upper trapezoidal, return the QR factorization of [A(:,1:j-1) x A(:,j:n)], where U is a column vector to be inserted into
Given a QR factorization of a real or complex matrix A = Q*R, Q unitary and R upper trapezoidal, return the QR factorization of [A(:,1:j-1), U, A(:,j:n)], where U is a column vector to be inserted int
Given a QR factorization of a real or complex matrix A = Q*R, Q unitary and R upper trapezoidal, return the QR factorization of A(:,p), where p is the permutation 'p = [1:i-1, shift(i:j, 1), j+1:n]' i
QZ decomposition of the generalized eigenvalue problem (A x = s B x).
Compute the Hessenberg-triangular decomposition of the matrix pencil '(A, B)', returning 'AA = Q * A * Z', 'BB = Q * B * Z', with Q and Z orthogonal.
Compute the Schur decomposition of A.
Convert a real, upper quasi-triangular Schur form TR to a complex, upper triangular Schur form T.
Reorders the real Schur factorization (U,S) obtained with the 'schur' function, so that selected eigenvalues appear in the upper left diagonal blocks of the quasi triangular Schur matrix.
Determine the largest principal angle between two subspaces spanned by the columns of matrices A and B.
Compute the singular value decomposition of A
Query or set the underlying LAPACK driver used by 'svd'.
Compute Householder reflection vector HOUSV to reflect X to be the j-th column of identity, i.e.,
Construct an orthogonal basis U of block Krylov subspace
Return the exponential of a matrix.
Compute the matrix logarithm of the square matrix A.
Compute the matrix square root of the square matrix A.
Form the Kronecker product of two or more matrices.
Compute products of matrix blocks.
Solve the Sylvester equation
Solve 'A x = b' using the Bi-conjugate gradient iterative method.
Solve 'A x = b' using the stabilizied Bi-conjugate gradient iterative method.
Solve 'A x = b', where A is a square matrix, using the Conjugate Gradients Squared method.
Solve 'A x = b' using the Preconditioned GMRES iterative method with restart, a.k.a.
Solve 'A x = b' using the Quasi-Minimal Residual iterative method (without look-ahead).
Create a vectorized version of the inline function FUN by replacing all occurrences of '*', '/', etc., with '.*', './', etc.
The binary singleton expansion function performs broadcasting, that is, it applies a binary function F element-by-element to two array arguments A and B, and expands as necessary singleton dimensions
Execute a function on each element of an array.
Compute 'f(S)' for the nonzero values of S.
Evaluate the function named NAME on the elements of the cell array C.
Evaluate the function named NAME on the fields of the structure S.
Create an array by accumulating the elements of a vector into the positions defined by their subscripts.
Create an array by accumulating the slices of an array into the positions defined by their subscripts along a specified dimension.
Query or set the internal variable that enables Octave's JIT compiler.
Query or set the internal variable that determines whether JIT compilation will take place for a specific loop.
Query or set the internal variable that counts the number of JIT fail exceptions for Octave's JIT compiler.
Query or set the internal variable that determines whether debugging/tracing is enabled for Octave's JIT compiler.
Solve a system of nonlinear equations defined by the function FCN.
Find a zero of a univariate function.
Find a minimum point of a univariate function.
Solve an unconstrained optimization problem defined by the function FCN.
Find a value of X which minimizes the function FUN.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether diagonal matrices are stored in a special space-efficient format.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether permutation matrices are stored in a special space-efficient format.
A generalization of the function 'diag'.
Return a sparse identity matrix of size MxN.
Replace the nonzero entries of S with ones.
Generate a sparse matrix with uniformly distributed random values.
Generate a sparse matrix with normally distributed random values.
Generate a symmetric random sparse matrix.
Return a full storage matrix from a sparse, diagonal, or permutation matrix, or a range.
Create an M-by-N sparse matrix with pre-allocated space for at most NZ nonzero elements.
Create a sparse matrix from a full matrix, or row, column, value triplets.
Convert a simple sparse matrix format easily generated by other programs into Octave's internal sparse format.
Return true if X is a sparse matrix.
Return the number of nonzero elements in A.
Return a vector of the nonzero values of the sparse matrix S.
Return the amount of storage allocated to the sparse matrix SM.
Return the stats for the nonzero elements of the sparse matrix S.
Plot the sparsity pattern of the sparse matrix X.
Return the elimination tree for the matrix S.
Plot the elimination tree of the matrix A or A+A' if A in not symmetric.
Plot a graph defined by A and XY in the graph theory sense.
Produce a graph of tree or forest.
treelayout lays out a tree or a forest.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will automatically mutate sparse matrices to full matrices to save memory.
Return the approximate minimum degree permutation of a matrix.
Constrained column approximate minimum degree permutation.
Compute the column approximate minimum degree permutation.
Return the column permutations such that the columns of 'S (:, P)' are ordered in terms of increasing number of nonzero elements.
For a symmetric positive definite matrix S, return the permutation vector P such that 'S(P,P)' tends to have a sparser Cholesky factor than S.
Perform a Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation of the sparse matrix S.
For a symmetric positive definite matrix S, returns the permutation vector p such that 'S(P, P)' tends to have a sparser Cholesky factor than S.
Return the symmetric reverse Cuthill-McKee permutation of S.
Estimate the 2-norm of the matrix A using a power series analysis.
Estimate the 1-norm of the matrix A using a block algorithm.
Estimate the 1-norm condition number of a square matrix A using T test vectors and a randomized 1-norm estimator.
Query or set the parameters used by the sparse solvers and factorization functions.
Calculate the structural rank of the sparse matrix S.
Perform a symbolic factorization analysis of the sparse matrix S.
Create the augmented matrix of A.
Calculate a limited number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A, based on a selection criteria.
Find a few singular values of the matrix A.
Solve the linear system of equations 'A * X = B' by means of the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iterative method.
Solve the linear system of equations 'A * X = B' by means of the Preconditioned Conjugate Residuals iterative method.
Compute the incomplete Cholesky factorization of the sparse square matrix A.
Compute the incomplete LU factorization of the sparse square matrix A.
Numerically evaluate the integral of F from A to B using Fortran routines from QUADPACK.
Query or set options for the function 'quad'.
Numerically evaluate the integral of F from A to B using an adaptive Simpson's rule.
Numerically evaluate the integral of F from A to B using an adaptive Lobatto rule.
Numerically evaluate the integral of F from A to B using adaptive Gauss-Konrod quadrature.
Numerically evaluate the integral of F from A to B using doubly-adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature.
Numerically evaluate the integral of points Y using the trapezoidal method.
Cumulative numerical integration of points Y using the trapezoidal method.
Compute derivative and integral weight matrices for orthogonal collocation.
Numerically evaluate the double integral of F.
Numerically evaluate the triple integral of F.
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solver.
Query or set options for the function 'lsode'.
Solve a set of non-stiff Ordinary Differential Equations (non-stiff ODEs) with the well known explicit Dormand-Prince method of order 4.
Solve a set of non-stiff Ordinary Differential Equations (non-stiff ODEs) with the well known explicit Bogacki-Shampine method of order 3.
Create or modify an ODE options structure.
Query the value of the property FIELD in the ODE options structure ODE_OPT.
Open a new figure window and plot the solution of an ode problem at each time step during the integration.
Solve the set of differential-algebraic equations
Query or set options for the function 'daspk'.
Solve the set of differential-algebraic equations
Query or set options for the function 'dassl'.
Solve the set of differential-algebraic equations
Query or set options for the function 'dasrt'.
Solve a linear program using the GNU GLPK library.
Solve a quadratic program (QP).
Minimize '1/2*x'*c*x + d'*x' subject to 'X >= 0'.
Minimize an objective function using sequential quadratic programming (SQP).
Ordinary least squares estimation.
Generalized least squares model.
Minimize 'norm (C*X - d)' subject to 'X >= 0'.
Compute a generalized linear least squares fit.
Create options structure for optimization functions.
Return the specific option PARNAME from the optimization options structure OPTIONS created by 'optimset'.
Compute the mean of the elements of the vector X.
Compute the median value of the elements of the vector X.
Compute the most frequently occurring value in a dataset (mode).
Return the range, i.e., the difference between the maximum and the minimum of the input data.
Return the interquartile range, i.e., the difference between the upper and lower quartile of the input data.
Compute the mean square of the elements of the vector X.
Compute the standard deviation of the elements of the vector X.
Compute the variance of the elements of the vector X.
Compute the sample skewness of the elements of X.
Compute the sample kurtosis of the elements of X.
Compute the P-th central moment of the vector X.
For a sample, X, calculate the quantiles, Q, corresponding to the cumulative probability values in P.
For a sample X, compute the quantiles, Q, corresponding to the cumulative probability values, P, in percent.
Return a vector with the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, maximum, mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis of the elements of the vector X.
Center data by subtracting its mean.
Compute the Z score of X
Compute histogram counts.
Compute the binomial coefficient of N or list all possible combinations of a SET of items.
Generate all permutations of V with one row per permutation.
Return the ranks of X along the first non-singleton dimension adjusted for ties.
Count the upward runs along the first non-singleton dimension of X of length 1, 2, ..., N-1 and greater than or equal to N.
Find the lengths of all sequences of common values.
Return the probit (the quantile of the standard normal distribution) for each element of P.
Compute the logit for each value of P
Return the complementary log-log function of X.
Create a contingency table T from data vectors.
Perform a QQ-plot (quantile plot).
Perform a PP-plot (probability plot).
Compute the covariance matrix.
Compute matrix of correlation coefficients.
Compute Spearman's rank correlation coefficient RHO.
Compute Kendall's TAU.
Perform ordinal logistic regression.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the Beta distribution with parameters A and B.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Beta distribution with parameters A and B.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the Beta distribution with parameters A and B.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the binomial distribution with parameters N and P, where N is the number of trials and P is the probability of success.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the binomial distribution with parameters N and P, where N is the number of trials and P is the probability of success
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the binomial distribution with parameters N and P, where N is the number of trials and P is the probability of success.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the Cauchy distribution with location parameter LOCATION and scale parameter SCALE > 0.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Cauchy distribution with location parameter LOCATION and scale parameter SCALE.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the Cauchy distribution with location parameter LOCATION and scale parameter SCALE.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the chi-square distribution with N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the chi-square distribution with N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the chi-square distribution with N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of a univariate discrete distribution which assumes the values in V with probabilities P.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of a univariate discrete distribution which assumes the values in V with probabilities P.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the univariate distribution which assumes the values in V with probabilities P.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the empirical distribution obtained from the univariate sample DATA.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the empirical distribution obtained from the univariate sample DATA.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the empirical distribution obtained from the univariate sample DATA.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the exponential distribution with mean LAMBDA.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the exponential distribution with mean LAMBDA.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the exponential distribution with mean LAMBDA.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the F distribution with M and N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the F distribution with M and N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the F distribution with M and N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, return the probability density function (PDF) at X of the Gamma distribution with shape parameter A and scale B.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Gamma distribution with shape parameter A and scale B.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the Gamma distribution with shape parameter A and scale B.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the geometric distribution with parameter P.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the geometric distribution with parameter P.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the geometric distribution with parameter P.
Compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the hypergeometric distribution with parameters T, M, and N.
Compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the hypergeometric distribution with parameters T, M, and N.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the hypergeometric distribution with parameters T, M, and N.
Return the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the Laplace distribution.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Laplace distribution.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the Laplace distribution.
For each element of X, compute the PDF at X of the logistic distribution.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the logistic distribution.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the logistic distribution.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the lognormal distribution with parameters MU and SIGMA.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the lognormal distribution with parameters MU and SIGMA.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the lognormal distribution with parameters MU and SIGMA.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the negative binomial distribution with parameters N and P.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the negative binomial distribution with parameters N and P.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the negative binomial distribution with parameters N and P.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the normal distribution with mean MU and standard deviation SIGMA.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the normal distribution with mean MU and standard deviation SIGMA.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the normal distribution with mean MU and standard deviation SIGMA.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the Poisson distribution with parameter LAMBDA.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Poisson distribution with parameter LAMBDA.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the Poisson distribution with parameter LAMBDA.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the standard normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the standard normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the standard normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the T (Student) distribution with N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the t (Student) distribution with N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the t (Student) distribution with N degrees of freedom.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of a discrete uniform distribution which assumes the integer values 1-N with equal probability.
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of a discrete uniform distribution which assumes the integer values 1-N with equal probability.
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the discrete uniform distribution which assumes the integer values 1-N with equal probability.
For each element of X, compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the uniform distribution on the interval [A, B].
For each element of X, compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the uniform distribution on the interval [A, B].
For each element of X, compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the uniform distribution on the interval [A, B].
Compute the probability density function (PDF) at X of the Weibull distribution with scale parameter SCALE and shape parameter SHAPE.
Compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at X of the Weibull distribution with scale parameter SCALE and shape parameter SHAPE.
Compute the quantile (the inverse of the CDF) at X of the Weibull distribution with scale parameter SCALE and shape parameter SHAPE.
Perform a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Perform a Bartlett test for the homogeneity of variances in the data vectors X1, X2, ..., XK, where K > 1.
Given two samples X and Y, perform a chisquare test for homogeneity of the null hypothesis that X and Y come from the same distribution, based on the partition induced by the (strictly increasing) ent
Perform a chi-square test for independence based on the contingency table X.
Test whether two samples X and Y come from uncorrelated populations.
Perform an F test for the null hypothesis rr * b = r in a classical normal regression model y = X * b + e.
For a sample X from a multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean and covariance matrix, test the null hypothesis that 'mean (X) == M'.
For two samples X from multivariate normal distributions with the same number of variables (columns), unknown means and unknown equal covariance matrices, test the null hypothesis 'mean (X) == mean (Y
Perform a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the null hypothesis that the sample X comes from the (continuous) distribution DIST.
Perform a 2-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the null hypothesis that the samples X and Y come from the same (continuous) distribution.
Perform a Kruskal-Wallis one-factor analysis of variance.
Perform a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
For a square contingency table X of data cross-classified on the row and column variables, McNemar's test can be used for testing the null hypothesis of symmetry of the classification probabilities.
If X1 and N1 are the counts of successes and trials in one sample, and X2 and N2 those in a second one, test the null hypothesis that the success probabilities P1 and P2 are the same.
Perform a chi-square test with 6 degrees of freedom based on the upward runs in the columns of X.
For two matched-pair samples X and Y, perform a sign test of the null hypothesis PROB (X > Y) == PROB (X < Y) == 1/2.
For a sample X from a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance, perform a t-test of the null hypothesis 'mean (X) == M'.
For two samples x and y from normal distributions with unknown means and unknown equal variances, perform a two-sample t-test of the null hypothesis of equal means.
Perform a t test for the null hypothesis 'RR * B = R' in a classical normal regression model 'Y = X * B + E'.
For two samples X and Y, perform a Mann-Whitney U-test of the null hypothesis PROB (X > Y) == 1/2 == PROB (X < Y).
For two samples X and Y from normal distributions with unknown means and unknown variances, perform an F-test of the null hypothesis of equal variances.
For two samples X and Y from normal distributions with unknown means and unknown and not necessarily equal variances, perform a Welch test of the null hypothesis of equal means.
For two matched-pair sample vectors X and Y, perform a Wilcoxon signed-rank test of the null hypothesis PROB (X > Y) == 1/2.
Perform a Z-test of the null hypothesis 'mean (X) == M' for a sample X from a normal distribution with unknown mean and known variance V.
For two samples X and Y from normal distributions with unknown means and known variances V_X and V_Y, perform a Z-test of the hypothesis of equal means.
Return a matrix of random samples from the Beta distribution with parameters A and B.
Return a matrix of random samples from the binomial distribution with parameters N and P, where N is the number of trials and P is the probability of success.
Return a matrix of random samples from the Cauchy distribution with parameters LOCATION and SCALE.
Return a matrix of random samples from the chi-square distribution with N degrees of freedom.
Return a matrix of random samples from the univariate distribution which assumes the values in V with probabilities P.
Return a matrix of random samples from the empirical distribution obtained from the univariate sample DATA.
Return a matrix of random samples from the exponential distribution with mean LAMBDA.
Return a matrix of random samples from the F distribution with M and N degrees of freedom.
Return a matrix of random samples from the Gamma distribution with shape parameter A and scale B.
Return a matrix of random samples from the geometric distribution with parameter P.
Return a matrix of random samples from the hypergeometric distribution with parameters T, M, and N.
Return a matrix of random samples from the Laplace distribution.
Return a matrix of random samples from the logistic distribution.
Return a matrix of random samples from the lognormal distribution with parameters MU and SIGMA.
Return a matrix of random samples from the negative binomial distribution with parameters N and P.
Return a matrix of random samples from the normal distribution with parameters mean MU and standard deviation SIGMA.
Return a matrix of random samples from the Poisson distribution with parameter LAMBDA.
Return a matrix of random samples from the standard normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1).
Return a matrix of random samples from the t (Student) distribution with N degrees of freedom.
Return a matrix of random samples from the discrete uniform distribution which assumes the integer values 1-N with equal probability.
Return a matrix of random samples from the uniform distribution on [A, B].
Return a matrix of random samples from the Weibull distribution with parameters SCALE and SHAPE.
Return a simulated realization of the D-dimensional Wiener Process on the interval [0, T].
Return the unique elements of X sorted in ascending order.
Return the unique elements common to both A and B sorted in ascending order.
Return the unique elements that are in either A or B sorted in ascending order.
Return the unique elements in A that are not in B sorted in ascending order.
Return the unique elements exclusive to sets A or B sorted in ascending order.
Return a logical matrix TF with the same shape as A which is true (1) if the element in A is found in S and false (0) if it is not.
Compute the powerset (all subsets) of the set A.
Evaluate the polynomial P at the specified values of X.
Evaluate a polynomial in the matrix sense.
Compute the roots of the polynomial C.
Solve the polynomial eigenvalue problem of degree L.
Compute the companion matrix corresponding to polynomial coefficient vector C.
Identify unique poles in P and their associated multiplicity.
Convolve two vectors A and B.
Return the n-D convolution of A and B.
Deconvolve two vectors.
Return the 2-D convolution of A and B.
Find the greatest common divisor of two polynomials.
The first calling form computes the partial fraction expansion for the quotient of the polynomials, B and A.
Return the coefficients of the derivative of the polynomial whose coefficients are given by the vector P.
Return the coefficients of the integral of the polynomial whose coefficients are represented by the vector P.
Return the coefficients of the polynomial vector F after an affine transformation.
Return the coefficients of a polynomial P(X) of degree N that minimizes the least-squares-error of the fit to the points '[X, Y]'.
Fit a piecewise cubic spline with breaks (knots) BREAKS to the noisy data, X and Y.
Compute the Nth-order Pade' approximant of the continuous-time delay T in transfer function form.
Construct a piecewise polynomial (pp) structure from sample points BREAKS and coefficients COEFS.
Extract the components of a piecewise polynomial structure PP.
Evaluate the piecewise polynomial structure PP at the points XI.
Compute the piecewise M-th derivative of a piecewise polynomial struct PP.
Compute the integral of the piecewise polynomial struct PP.
Evaluate the boundary jumps of a piecewise polynomial.
If A is a square N-by-N matrix, 'poly (A)' is the row vector of the coefficients of 'det (z * eye (N) - A)', the characteristic polynomial of A.
Display a formatted version of the polynomial C.
Reduce a polynomial coefficient vector to a minimum number of terms by stripping off any leading zeros.
One-dimensional interpolation.
Fourier interpolation.
Return the cubic spline interpolant of points X and Y.
Two-dimensional interpolation.
Three-dimensional interpolation.
Perform N-dimensional interpolation, where N is at least two.
Compute the Delaunay triangulation for a 2-D or 3-D set of points.
Compute the Delaunay triangulation for an N-dimensional set of points.
Plot a 2-D triangular mesh.
Plot a 3-D triangular wireframe mesh.
Plot a 3-D triangular surface.
Display the tetrahedrons defined in the m-by-4 matrix T as 3-D patches.
Search for the enclosing Delaunay convex hull.
Search for the enclosing Delaunay convex hull.
Return the index IDX of the closest point in 'X, Y' to the elements '[XI(:), YI(:)]'.
Return the index IDX of the closest point in X to the elements XI.
Plot the Voronoi diagram of points '(X, Y)'.
Compute N-dimensional Voronoi facets.
Determine area of a polygon by triangle method.
Compute area or volume of intersection of rectangles or N-D boxes.
For a polygon defined by vertex points '(XV, YV)', return true if the points '(X, Y)' are inside (or on the boundary) of the polygon; Otherwise, return false.
Compute the convex hull of the set of points defined by the arrays X and Y.
Compute the convex hull of the set of points PTS.
Generate a regular mesh from irregular data using interpolation.
Generate a regular mesh from irregular data using interpolation.
Generate a regular mesh from irregular data using interpolation.
Compute the discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.
Compute the inverse discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.
Compute the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.
Compute the inverse two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.
Compute the N-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.
Compute the inverse N-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of A using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm.
Manage FFTW wisdom data.
Convolve two vectors using the FFT for computation.
Filter X with the FIR filter B using the FFT.
Apply a 1-D digital filter to the data X.
Apply the 2-D FIR filter B to X.
Return the complex frequency response H of the rational IIR filter whose numerator and denominator coefficients are B and A, respectively.
Plot the magnitude and phase response of H.
Compute the sinc function.
Unwrap radian phases by adding or subtracting multiples of 2*pi as appropriate to remove jumps greater than TOL.
Fit an ARCH regression model to the time series Y using the scoring algorithm in Engle's original ARCH paper.
Simulate an ARCH sequence of length T with AR coefficients B and CH coefficients A.
For a linear regression model
Return a simulation of the ARMA model.
Given a time series (vector) Y, return a matrix with ones in the first column and the first K lagged values of Y in the other columns.
Return the filter coefficients of a Bartlett (triangular) window of length M.
Return the filter coefficients of a Blackman window of length M.
If X is a vector, 'detrend (X, P)' removes the best fit of a polynomial of order P from the data X.
Return the estimator D for the differencing parameter of an integrated time series.
Perform one step of the Durbin-Levinson algorithm.
Perform a shift of the vector X, for use with the 'fft' and 'ifft' functions, in order to move the frequency 0 to the center of the vector or matrix.
Undo the action of the 'fftshift' function.
Compute the fractional differences (1-L)^d x where L denotes the lag-operator and d is greater than -1.
Return the filter coefficients of a Hamming window of length M.
Return the filter coefficients of a Hanning window of length M.
Estimate the Hurst parameter of sample X via the rescaled range statistic.
Return the Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial (pchip) of points X and Y.
Return the periodogram (Power Spectral Density) of X.
Return a sinetone of frequency FREQ with a length of SEC seconds at sampling rate RATE and with amplitude AMPL.
Return an M-element vector with I-th element given by 'sin (2 * pi * (I+D-1) / N)'.
Return the spectral density estimator given a vector of autocovariances C, window name WIN, and bandwidth, B.
Return the spectral density estimator given a data vector X, window name WIN, and bandwidth, B.
Return Spencer's 15 point moving average of each column of X.
Compute the short-time Fourier transform of the vector X with NUM_COEF coefficients by applying a window of WIN_SIZE data points and an increment of INC points.
Compute a signal from its short-time Fourier transform Y and a 3-element vector C specifying window size, increment, and window type.
Fit an AR (p)-model with Yule-Walker estimates given a vector C of autocovariances '[gamma_0, ..., gamma_p]'.
Read images from various file formats.
Write images in various file formats.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies a colon separated list of directories in which to search for image files.
Read image information from a file.
Manage supported image formats.
Display the image IM, where IM can be a 2-dimensional (grayscale image) or a 3-dimensional (RGB image) matrix.
Display a matrix as an indexed color image.
Display a scaled version of the matrix IMG as a color image.
Convert image to double precision.
Return true if CMAP is a colormap.
Convert a grayscale or binary intensity image to an indexed image.
Convert a color indexed image to a grayscale intensity image.
Convert an image in red-green-blue (RGB) color space to an indexed image.
Convert an indexed image to red, green, and blue color components.
Query or set the current colormap.
Plot the components of a colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create cubehelix colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create gray colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Create color colormap.
Return a gray colormap that maximizes the contrast in an image.
Brighten or darken a colormap.
Cycle the colormap for T seconds with a color increment of INC.
Invert the colors in the current color scheme.
Convert an input image X to an ouput indexed image Y which uses the smallest colormap possible NEWMAP.
Reorder colors in a colormap.
Transform a colormap or image from RGB to HSV color space.
Transform a colormap or image from HSV to RGB color space.
Transform a colormap or image from red-green-blue (RGB) color space to luminance-chrominance (NTSC) space.
Transform a colormap or image from luminance-chrominance (NTSC) space to red-green-blue (RGB) color space.
Return information about an audio file specified by FILENAME.
Read the audio file FILENAME and return the audio data Y and sampling rate FS.
Write audio data from the matrix Y to FILENAME at sampling rate FS with the file format determined by the file extension.
Display information about all supported audio formats.
Return a structure describing the available audio input and output devices.
Create an audioplayer object that will play back data Y at sample rate FS.
Play audio stored in the audioplayer object PLAYER without blocking.
Play audio stored in the audioplayer object PLAYER with blocking.
Pause the audioplayer PLAYER.
Resume playback for the paused audioplayer object PLAYER.
Stop the playback for the audioplayer PLAYER and reset the relevant variables to their starting values.
Return true if the audioplayer object PLAYER is currently playing back audio and false otherwise.
Return the VALUE of the property identified by NAME.
Set the value of property specified by NAME to a given VALUE.
Create an audiorecorder object recording 8 bit mono audio at 8000 Hz sample rate.
Record audio without blocking using the audiorecorder object RECORDER until stopped or paused by the STOP or PAUSE method.
Record audio with blocking (synchronous I/O).
Pause recording with audiorecorder object RECORDER.
Resume recording with the paused audiorecorder object RECORDER.
Stop the audiorecorder object RECORDER and clean up any audio streams.
Return true if the audiorecorder object RECORDER is currently recording audio and false otherwise.
Return recorder audio data as a matrix with values between -1.0 and 1.0 and with as many columns as there are channels in the recorder.
Return an audioplayer object with data recorded by the audiorecorder object RECORDER.
Play the audio recorded in RECORDER and return a corresponding audioplayer object.
Return the VALUE of the property identified by NAME.
Set the value of property specified by NAME to a given VALUE.
Convert audio data from linear to mu-law.
Convert audio data from mu-law to linear.
Record SEC seconds of audio from the system's default audio input at a sampling rate of 8000 samples per second.
Play audio data Y at sample rate FS to the default audio device.
Scale the audio data Y and play it at sample rate FS to the default audio device.
Return true if X is a class object.
List the names of the public methods for the object OBJ or the named class CLASSNAME.
Return true if the string METHOD is a valid method of the object OBJ or of the class CLSNAME.
Display the contents of the object OBJ.
Method of a class to manipulate an object prior to saving it to a file.
Method of a class to manipulate an object after loading it from a file.
Perform the subscripted element selection operation on VAL according to the subscript specified by IDX.
Perform the subscripted assignment operation according to the subscript specified by IDX.
Query or set the internal flag for 'subsasgn' method call optimizations.
Convert an object to an index vector.
Return the result of the colon expression corresponding to BASE, LIMIT, and optionally, INCREMENT.
When called from a class constructor, mark the object currently constructed as having a higher precedence than CLASS_NAME.
When called from a class constructor, mark the object currently constructed as having a lower precedence than CLASS_NAME.
Open a GUI dialog for selecting a directory.
Open a GUI dialog for selecting a file and return the filename FNAME, the path to this file FPATH, and the filter index FLTIDX.
Open a GUI dialog for selecting a file.
Display an error dialog box with error message MSG and caption TITLE.
Display a help dialog box with help message MSG and caption TITLE.
Return user input from a multi-textfield dialog box in a cell array of strings, or an empty cell array if the dialog is closed by the Cancel button.
Return user inputs from a list dialog box in a vector of selection indices (SEL) and a flag indicating how the user closed the dialog box (OK).
Display MSG using a message dialog box.
Display MSG using a question dialog box and return the caption of the activated button.
Display a warning dialog box with warning message MSG and caption TITLE.
Create an empty modal dialog window that other uicontrols can be added to.
Return a handle H to a new progress indicator ("waitbar") object.
Create a uimenu object and return a handle to it.
Create a uibuttongroup object and return a handle to it.
Create a uicontextmenu object and return a handle to it.
Create a uicontrol object and return a handle to it.
Create a uipanel object and return a handle to it.
Create a uipushtool object and return a handle to it.
Create a uitoggletool object and return a handle to it.
Create a uitoolbar object and return a handle to it.
Return true if the desktop (GUI) is currently in use.
Query or set user-custom GUI data.
Return a structure of object handles for the figure associated with handle H.
Return true if a window system is available (X11, Windows, or Apple OS X) and false otherwise.
Return true if Octave is running in GUI mode and false otherwise.
Suspend program execution until the figure with handle H is deleted or 'uiresume' is called.
Resume program execution suspended with 'uiwait'.
Suspend the execution of the current program until a condition is satisfied on the graphics handle H.
Return the preference value corresponding to the named preference PREF in the preference group GROUP.
Set the preference PREF to the given VAL in the named preference group GROUP.
Add the preference PREF and associated value VAL to the named preference group GROUP.
Remove the named preference PREF from the preference group GROUP.
Return true if the named preference PREF exists in the preference group GROUP.
Return the directory that holds the preferences for Octave.
Display the GUI preferences dialog window for Octave.
Return the current time as the number of seconds since the epoch.
Return the current local date/time as a serial day number (see 'datenum').
Convert a value returned from 'time' (or any other non-negative integer), to the local time and return a string of the same form as 'asctime'.
Given a value returned from 'time', or any non-negative integer, return a time structure corresponding to CUT (Coordinated Universal Time).
Given a value returned from 'time', or any non-negative integer, return a time structure corresponding to the local time zone.
Convert a time structure corresponding to the local time to the number of seconds since the epoch.
Convert a time structure to a string using the following format: "ddd mmm mm HH:MM:SS yyyy\n".
Format the time structure TM_STRUCT in a flexible way using the format string FMT that contains '%' substitutions similar to those in 'printf'.
Convert the string STR to the time structure TM_STRUCT under the control of the format string FMT.
Return the current local date and time as a date vector.
Return the current date as a character string in the form DD-MMM-YYYY.
Return the difference in seconds between two time values returned from 'clock' (T2 - T1).
Return the CPU time used by your Octave session.
Return true if YEAR is a leap year and false otherwise.
Set or check a wall-clock timer.
Suspend the execution of the program for N seconds.
Return the date/time input as a serial day number, with Jan 1, 0000 defined as day 1.
Format the given date/time according to the format 'f' and return the result in STR.
Convert a serial date number (see 'datenum') or date string (see 'datestr') into a date vector.
Add Q amount of time (with units F) to the serial datenum, D.
Return the current monthly calendar in a 6x7 matrix.
Return the day of the week as a number in N and as a string in S.
Return the last day of the month M for the year Y.
Add date formatted tick labels to an axis.
Move the source files or directories F1 to the destination F2.
Change the name of file OLD to NEW.
Copy the source files or directories F1 to the destination F2.
Delete the file named FILE.
Create a new link (also known as a hard link) to an existing file.
Create a symbolic link NEW which contains the string OLD.
Read the value of the symbolic link SYMLINK.
Create a directory named DIR in the directory PARENT, creating any intermediate directories if necessary.
Remove the directory named DIR.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will ask for confirmation before recursively removing a directory tree.
Create a FIFO special file named NAME with file mode MODE.
Set the permission mask for file creation.
Return a structure INFO containing the following information about FILE or file identifier FID.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a block device.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a character device.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a directory.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a fifo.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a symbolic link.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a regular file.
Return true if MODE corresponds to a socket.
Return information about FILE.
Return true if F is a directory.
Return the names of files in the directory DIR as a cell array of strings.
Given an array of pattern strings (as a char array or a cell array) in PATTERN, return a cell array of filenames that match any of them, or an empty cell array if no patterns match.
Return the absolute name of FILE if it can be found in PATH.
Return the system-dependent character used to separate directory names.
Query or set the character used to separate the filename from the subfunction names contained within the file.
Return the directory, name, and extension components of FILENAME.
Build complete filename from separate parts.
Perform tilde expansion on STRING.
Return the canonical name of file FNAME.
Return the full name of FILE beginning from the root of the file system.
Return true if FILE is an absolute filename.
Return true if FILE is a rooted-relative filename.
Query or set the preference for recycling deleted files.
Unpack the bzip2 archive BZFILE.
Compress the list of files and directories specified in FILES.
Unpack the gzip archive GZFILE.
Pack the list of files and directories specified in FILES into the TAR archive TARFILE.
Unpack the TAR archive TARFILE.
Compress the list of files and directories specified in FILES into the ZIP archive ZIPFILE.
Unpack the ZIP archive ZIPFILE.
Unpack the archive FILE based on its extension to the directory DIR.
Compress the list of files specified in FILES.
Return the hostname of the system where Octave is running.
Connect to the FTP server HOST with USERNAME and PASSWORD.
Close the FTP connection represented by the FTP object F.
Download a remote file FILE or directory DIR to the local directory on the FTP connection F.
Upload the local file FILE into the current remote directory on the FTP connection F.
Get or set the remote directory on the FTP connection F.
List the current directory in verbose form for the FTP connection F.
Set the FTP connection F to use ASCII mode for transfers.
Set the FTP connection F to use binary mode for transfers.
Delete the remote file FILE over the FTP connection F.
Rename or move the remote file or directory OLDNAME to NEWNAME, over the FTP connection F.
Create the remote directory PATH, over the FTP connection F.
Remove the remote directory PATH, over the FTP connection F.
Download a remote file specified by its URL and return its content in string S.
Download a remote file specified by its URL and save it as LOCALFILE.
Encode a double matrix or array X into the base64 format string S.
Decode the double matrix or array X from the base64 encoded string S.
Execute a shell command specified by STRING.
Execute a system command if running under a Unix-like operating system, otherwise do nothing.
Execute a system command if running under a Windows-like operating system, otherwise do nothing.
Open the file FILE in Octave or in an external application based on the file type as determined by the filename extension.
Invoke Perl script SCRIPTFILE, possibly with a list of command line arguments.
Invoke Python script SCRIPTFILE, possibly with a list of command line arguments.
Start a process and create a pipe.
Close a file identifier that was opened by 'popen'.
Start a subprocess with two-way communication.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies a colon separated list of directories to append to the shell PATH when executing external programs.
Create a copy of the current process.
Replace current process with a new process.
Create a pipe and return the reading and writing ends of the pipe into READ_FD and WRITE_FD respectively.
Duplicate a file descriptor.
Wait for process PID to terminate.
Return the numerical value of the option argument that may be passed to 'waitpid' to indicate that it should also return if a stopped child has been resumed by delivery of a 'SIGCONT' signal.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return true if the child produced a core dump.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return the exit status of the child.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return true if the child process was resumed by delivery of 'SIGCONT'.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return true if the child process was terminated by a signal.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return true if the child process was stopped by delivery of a signal.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return true if the child terminated normally.
Return the numerical value of the option argument that may be passed to 'waitpid' to indicate that it should return its status immediately instead of waiting for a process to exit.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return the number of the signal which caused the child to stop.
Given STATUS from a call to 'waitpid', return the number of the signal that caused the child process to terminate.
Return the numerical value of the option argument that may be passed to 'waitpid' to indicate that it should also return if the child process has stopped but is not traced via the 'ptrace' system call
Change the properties of the open file FID.
Send signal SIG to process PID.
Return a structure containing Unix signal names and their defined values.
Return the process group id of the current process.
Return the process id of the current process.
Return the process id of the parent process.
Return the effective user id of the current process.
Return the real user id of the current process.
Return the effective group id of the current process.
Return the real group id of the current process.
Return the value of the environment variable VAR.
Set the value of the environment variable VAR to VALUE.
Delete the environment variable VAR.
Return the current home directory.
Change the current working directory to DIR.
List directory contents.
Query or set the shell command used by Octave's 'ls' command.
Display file listing for directory DIRECTORY.
Return the current working directory.
Return a structure containing an entry from the password database, opening it if necessary.
Return a structure containing the first entry from the password database with the user ID UID.
Return a structure containing the first entry from the password database with the user name NAME.
Return the internal pointer to the beginning of the password database.
Close the password database.
Return an entry from the group database, opening it if necessary.
Return the first entry from the group database with the group ID GID.
Return the first entry from the group database with the group name NAME.
Return the internal pointer to the beginning of the group database.
Close the group database.
Print or return a string of the form CPU-VENDOR-OS that identifies the type of computer that Octave is running on.
Return system information in the structure.
Return the current number of available processors.
Return true if Octave is running on a Windows system and false otherwise.
Return true if Octave is running on a Unix-like system and false otherwise.
Return true if Octave is running on a Mac OS X system and false otherwise.
Return true if your computer _claims_ to conform to the IEEE standard for floating point calculations.
Return true if the current program has been compiled and is running separately from the Octave interpreter and false if it is running in the Octave interpreter.
Return true if running in the student edition of MATLAB.
Return the name of the top-level Octave installation directory.
Return the name of the top-level Octave installation directory.
Return the version number of Octave as a string.
Get version information for Octave.
Display a header containing the current Octave version number, license string, and operating system.
Compare two version strings using the given OPERATOR.
Get license information for Octave and Octave packages.
Return a structure containing a number of statistics about the current Octave process.
Calculate the hash value of the string STR using the hash function HFUN.
Manage or query packages (groups of add-on functions) for Octave.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the function to call when a component of Octave is missing.
The 'mkoctfile' function compiles source code written in C, C++, or Fortran.
Compile source code written in C, C++, or Fortran, to a MEX file.
Return the filename extension used for MEX files.
Create a Java object of class CLASSSNAME, by calling the class constructor with the arguments ARG1, ...
Create a Java array of size SZ with elements of class CLASSNAME.
Return true if X is a Java object.
Get the value of the field NAME of the Java object OBJ.
Set the value of the field NAME of the Java object OBJ to VAL.
Invoke the method METHODNAME on the Java object OBJ with the arguments ARG1, ....
Return the class path of the Java virtual machine in the form of a cell array of strings.
Add CLSPATH to the dynamic class path of the Java virtual machine.
Remove CLSPATH from the dynamic class path of the Java virtual machine.
Check for the presence of the Java FEATURE in the current session and print or return an error message if it is not.
Return true if the Java element FEATURE is available.
Show the current memory usage of the Java virtual machine (JVM) and run the garbage collector.
Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Java arrays are automatically converted to Octave matrices.
Query or set the internal variable that controls how integer classes are converted when 'java_matrix_autoconversion' is enabled.
Query or set the internal variable that determines whether extra debugging information regarding the initialization of the JVM and any Java exceptions is printed.
Perform built-in self-tests from the first file in the loadpath matching NAME.
Produce an error if the specified condition is not met.
Return true if CODE fails with an error message matching PATTERN, otherwise produce an error.
Run example code block N associated with the function NAME.
Display the code for example N associated with the function NAME, but do not run it.
Execute built-in demos for all m-files in the specified DIRECTORY.
Execute built-in tests for all m-files in the specified DIRECTORY.
Determine the execution time of an expression (F) for various input values (N).
Return true if NAME is an Octave keyword.
Add the named function or function handle FCN to the list of functions to call periodically when Octave is waiting for input.
Remove the named function or function handle with the given identifier from the list of functions to call periodically when Octave is waiting for input.
Query or set the internal variable that specifies the function to call when an unknown identifier is requested.
Package: octave