: obj = midicontrols ()
: obj = midicontrols (ctrlid)
: obj = midicontrols (ctrlid, initialvalues)
: obj = midicontrols (__, propertyname, propertyvalue)

Create a midi controls object


ctrlid - single control id or array of control ids to monitor, or [] to use any controller.
initialvalues - initial values to use for controls. It should be the same size as ctrlid
propertyname, propertyvalue - properties to set on the controller. If a device is not specified the value from getpref("midi", "DefaultDevice", 0) will be used.

Known properties are:


name of the mididevice to monitor.


the scaling mode for values: ’rawmidi’ will return values between 0 .. 127, ’normalized’ will use values between 0 .. 1.


obj - returns a midicontrols object


Create a midicontrols object monitoring control id 2001 on the default midi device

ctrl = midicontrols(2001)

Create a midicontrols object monitoring control id 2001 on a a non default device

ctrl = midicontrols(2001, 'mididevice', 1)

See also: midiread, midisync.

Package: audio