
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [norm_u] = bim3c_norm(mesh,u,norm_type)

Compute the norm_type-norm of function u on the domain described by the tetrahedral grid mesh.

The input function u can be either a piecewise linear conforming scalar function or an elementwise constant scalar or vector function.

The string parameter norm_type can be one among ’L2’, ’H1’ and ’inf’.

Should the input function be piecewise constant, the H1 norm will not be computed and the function will return an error message.

For the numerical integration of the L2 norm the second order quadrature rule by Keast is used (ref. P. Keast, Moderate degree tetrahedral quadrature formulas, CMAME 55: 339-348 1986).

See also: bim1c_norm, bim2c_norm.

Package: bim