This function creates a gif file from the data pack (DATA).

  After starting the main routine just type the following command at the
  DATA     is the speckle data pack. Where DATA is a 3D matrix created grouping NTIMES 
           intensity matrices with NLIN lines and NCOL columns. When N=size(DATA), then
           N(1,1) represents NLIN and
           N(1,2) represents NCOL and
           N(1,3) represents NTIMES.
  Filename is the name of gif file.
  Frames   is the number of frames in the gif file. In the number of images (NTIMES) 
           is less than the number of frames (Frames), then overwrite Frames=NTIMES;
  Map      [Optional] is the colormap, this value can be: jet, gray, hsv, ..., etc.
           By default: jet. See: colormap('list')
  Time     [Optional] is the time between frames in the gif file. By default: 0.5 sec.

  h        is the name of gif file.

  For help, bug reports and feature suggestions, please visit:

Package: bsltl