This function returns the modulus of frequency response of function H. Frequently H will be a FIR filter. If H = [h0 h1 h2 ... h(M-1)] then your Z transform is: M2=floor(M/2); $H[Z] = h0 Z^{+M2} + h1 Z^{+M2-1} + ... h(M-1) Z^{+M2-(M-1)}$ and the function return $AH=|H[Z=e^{jW}]|$ for W from 0 to pi. After starting the main routine just type the following command at the prompt: AH=freqmod(H,N) [AH FREQN]=freqmod(H,N); Input: H is a vector with the parameters of H function. N is the number of analysis points in the frequency response. Output: AH is the modulus of frequency response of function H. $AH=|H[Z=e^{jW}]|$ for W from 0 to pi. FREQN [OPTIONAL] is the normalized frequency of points in AH, thus for the point AH(id) we have W=FREQN(id)*pi. For help, bug reports and feature suggestions, please visit:
Package: bsltl