This function divides the MAT matrix in windows of WLines lines and WColumns 
  columns, then in each one of these windows it is calculated the mean value of all 

  With theirs information is created a new matrix MATW with the same 
  size and windows of MAT, and the mean values in the MAT matrix are replaced 
  in all elements, for each window, in the MATW matrix.
  In the middle of each window is write the representative value of a window,
  following the matrix MATW. 
  After starting the main routine just type the following command at the
  MATW = mwnumbering(MAT,WLines,WColumns);
  MATW = mwnumbering(MAT,WLines,WColumns,FontSize);

  Mean values, of the elements in the window of 8x10 pixels, in the MAT matrix.
  In each windows is write the value of MATW in the window. 
  The used font size is 10. 
  MATW = mwnumbering(MAT,8,10);

  Mean values, of the elements in the window of 8x10 pixels, in the MAT matrix.
  In each windows is write the value of MATW in the window.
  The used font size is 16. 
  MATW = mwnumbering(MAT,8,10,16);
  MAT      is a matrix with NLIN lines and NCOL columns.
  WLines   is the number of lines in each analysis window.
  WColumns is the number of columns in each analysis window.
  FontSize [Optional] The font size of text.

  MATW     is a matrix with the mean values, of the elements in 
           the window of WLinesxWColumns pixels, in the MAT matrix.

  For help, bug reports and feature suggestions, please visit:

Package: bsltl