Saturation and sub-exposition of light[1]. Here it is tested if  
  an analysed windows of the image is saturated with light or is dark.

  [1]  Cardoso, R.R. ; Braga, R.A. ; Rabal, H.J. Alternative protocols on 
       dynamic speckle laser analysis. SPIE 8413, V International Conference 
       on Speckle Metrology. 2012

  After starting the main routine just type the following command at the
  [F S D] = satdark(DATAFRAME, WLines, WColumns, MaxDark, MinSat, P);
  % Analysis window of 6x5 pixels and 
  % 50 percent of pixels in the window to declare it dark or saturated.
  [F S D] = satdark(DATAFRAME,      6,        5, MaxDark, MinSat, 50);  

  DATAFRAME is the image under analysis.
  WLines    is the number of lines in the analysed window.
  WColumns  is the number of columns in the analysed window.
  MaxDark   is the maximum gray-scale level that is considered as dark.
  MinSat    is the minimum gray-scale level that is considered as saturated.
  P         is the percentage of pixels in a window to declare it dark or saturated.

  F         is an image with dark or saturated areas in analysed windows. 
            The dark windows are filled with 0, the saturated windows are 
            filled with 255. To consider a window as dark or saturated, 
            it should overcome a P percentage of pixels in analysis window.
  S         is a matrix with the same size of F, this matrix has ones in
            regions with saturated windows and zeros in other regions.
  D         is a matrix with the same size of F, this matrix has ones in
            regions with dark windows and zeros in other regions.

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Package: bsltl