Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "amdsb-tc", offset)
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "amdsb-tc/costas", offset)
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "amdsb-sc")
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "amdsb-sc/costas")
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "amssb")
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "qam")
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "qam/cmplx")
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "fm", dev)
Function File: y = ademodce (x, Fs, "pm", dev)
Function File: y = ademodce (x, [Fs, iphs], …)
Function File: y = ademodce (…, num, den)

Baseband demodulator for analog signals. The input signal is specified by x, its sampling frequency by Fs and the type of modulation by the third argument, typ. The default values of Fs is 1 and typ is "amdsb-tc".

If the argument Fs is a two element vector, the first element represents the sampling rate and the second the initial phase.

The different types of demodulations that are available are


Double-sideband with carrier


Double-sideband with carrier and Costas phase locked loop


Double-sideband with suppressed carrier


Single-sideband with frequency domain Hilbert filtering


Quadrature amplitude demodulation. In-phase in odd-columns and quadrature in even-columns


Quadrature amplitude demodulation with complex return value.


Frequency demodulation


Phase demodulation

Additional arguments are available for the demodulations "amdsb-tc", "fm", "pm". These arguments are


The offset in the input signal for the transmitted carrier.


The deviation of the phase and frequency modulation

It is possible to specify a low-pass filter, by the numerator num and denominator den that will be applied to the returned vector.

See also: ademodce, dmodce.

Package: communications