Loadable Function: y = gf (x)
Loadable Function: y = gf (x, m)
Loadable Function: y = gf (x, m, primpoly)

Creates a Galois field array GF(2^m) from the matrix x. The Galois field has 2^m elements, where m must be between 1 and 16. The elements of x must be between 0 and 2^m - 1. If m is undefined it defaults to the value 1.

The primitive polynomial to use in the creation of Galois field can be specified with the primpoly variable. If this is undefined a default primitive polynomial is used. It should be noted that the primitive polynomial must be of the degree m and it must be irreducible.

The output of this function is recognized as a Galois field by Octave and other matrices will be converted to the same Galois field when used in an arithmetic operation with a Galois field.

See also: isprimitive, primpoly.

Package: communications