Function File: [num, rate] = symerr (a, b)
Function File: [num, rate] = symerr (…, flag)
Function File: [num, rate ind] = symerr (…)

Compares two matrices and returns the number of symbol errors and the symbol error rate. The variables a and b can be either:

Both matrices

In this case both matrices must be the same size and then by default the return values num and rate are the overall number of symbol errors and the overall symbol error rate.

One column vector

In this case the column vector is used for symbol error comparison column-wise with the matrix. The returned values num and rate are then row vectors containing the number of symbol errors and the symbol error rate for each of the column-wise comparisons. The number of rows in the matrix must be the same as the length of the column vector

One row vector

In this case the row vector is used for symbol error comparison row-wise with the matrix. The returned values num and rate are then column vectors containing the number of symbol errors and the symbol error rate for each of the row-wise comparisons. The number of columns in the matrix must be the same as the length of the row vector

This behavior can be overridden with the variable flag. flag can take the value "column-wise", "row-wise" or "overall". A column-wise comparison is not possible with a row vector and visa-versa.

Package: communications