
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [yhat, v] = rgdtsmcore (x, y, d, lambda, [options])

Smooths y vs. x values by Tikhonov regularization. Although this function can be used directly, the more feature rich function "regdatasmooth" should be used instead. In addition to x and y, required input includes the smoothing derivative d and the regularization parameter lambda. The smooth y-values are returned as yhat. The generalized cross validation variance v may also be returned.

Note: the options have changed! Currently supported input options are (multiple options are allowed):

"xhat", vector
A vector of x-values to use for the smooth curve; must be monotonically increasing and must at least span the data
"weights", vector
A vector of weighting values for fitting each point in the data.
use relative differences for the goodnes of fit term. Conflicts with the "weights" option.
use the midpoint rule for the integration terms rather than a direct sum; this option conflicts with the option "xhat"

References: Anal. Chem. (2003) 75, 3631; AIChE J. (2006) 52, 325

See also: regdatasmooth

Package: data-smoothing