NEWS for 'database' Package

Return to the 'database' package

database 2.4.4

 ** Build fixes. Builds with Octave 5.1.

 ** Works now also with a postgresql server owned by a different user
    than postgres.

datatase 2.4.3

 ** Build fixes. Builds with Octave 4.4.

datatase 2.4.2

 ** Some build fixes. Builds with Octave 4.2.

 ** Some documentation fixes. Added installation hints to documentation.

datatase 2.4.1

 ** Fixed data corruption bug in var2bytea.

database 2.4.0

 ** Added general package documentation.

 ** New functions var2bytea and bytea2var, enabling storing Octave
    values of arbitrary type in a database.

 ** Compatible with Octaves new exception-based error
    handling. Compatibility with old error handling up to Octave-4.0
    is retained.

 ** Fixed racing condition in pq_lo_view.

 ** Fix: remove autoloaded function at package unload.

database 2.3.2

 ** Fix a potential source of internal bugs.

 ** Incompatible versions of postgresql (< 8.3) are rejected at
    configure time.

database 2.3.1

 ** Fix for compilation for mxe-octave.

database 2.3.0

 ** New function pq_lo_view.

database 2.2.0

 ** pq_exec_params: For queries, information on postgresql data types
    of columns is also returned.

 ** Converters for all base types except text search types implemented.

 ** New function pq_conninfo.

 ** Fix for includes on Apple.

database 2.1.1:

 ** Account for system-dependence of postgresql include directories.

 ** Work around problem with sequential addpath in 'pkg build'.

database 2.1.0:

 ** pq_exec_params: An Octave cell-array can be used as data for 'copy
    from stdin'.

database 2.0.1:

 ** Bugfix of random crash at initialization time.

Initial release of new package database 2.0.0:

** This is a complete replacement of the former database package and
   is not compatible with previous releases. The current release only
   supports postgresql.

** Functions:

     pq_connect:      connect to a postgresql database,

     pq_exec_params:  execute an SQL command with optional parameters
                      and return result,

     pq_update_types: used if defined types change
                      during connection time,

     pq_lo_import:    import large object from client side,

     pq_lo_export:    export large object to client side,

     pq_lo_unlink:    delete large object,

     pq_close:        disconnect from database.

Package: database