Function File: setdbopts ()
Function File: setdbopts (par, val, …)
Function File: setdbopts (old, par, val, …)
Function File: setdbopts (old, new)

Create settings structure for database functions.

When called without any input or output arguments, ’setdbopts’ prints a list of all valid optimization parameters.

When called with one output and no inputs, return an options structure with all valid option parameters initialized to ’[]’.

When called with a list of parameter/value pairs, return an options structure with only the named parameters initialized.

When the first input is an existing options structure OLD, the values are updated from either the PAR/VAL list or from the options structure NEW.

Please see individual database functions for valid settings.

(Most of this documentation and this functions code are copied from Octaves ’optimset’ function.)

Package: database