Loadable Function: [s, i] = sort (x)
Loadable Function: [s, i] = sort (x, dim)
Loadable Function: [s, i] = sort (x, mode)
Loadable Function: [s, i] = sort (x, dim, mode)

Return a copy of x with the elements arranged in increasing order. For matrices, sort orders the elements in each column.

For example:

sort ([1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 1])
     ⇒  1  1
         2  2
         3  3

The sort function may also be used to produce a matrix containing the original row indices of the elements in the sorted matrix. For example:

[s, i] = sort ([1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 1])
     ⇒ s = 1  1
            2  2
            3  3
     ⇒ i = 1  3
            2  1
            3  2

If the optional argument dim is given, then the matrix is sorted along the dimension defined by dim. The optional argument mode defines the order in which the values will be sorted. Valid values of mode are ‘ascend’ or ‘descend’.

For equal elements, the indices are such that the equal elements are listed in the order that appeared in the original list.

The sort function may also be used to sort strings and cell arrays of strings, in which case the dictionary order of the strings is used.

The algorithm used in sort is optimized for the sorting of partially ordered lists.

Package: dataframe