: dictionary_name = dicomdict ("get")
: dicomdict ("factory")
: dicomdict ("set", dictionary_name)

Get or set the active dicom data dictionary.

The first usage returns the filename of the dictionary that is currently being used. Using "factory" resets the dictionary to the default. Using "set" allows setting the dictionary for future operations. In this case, the dictionary file dictionary_name can be anywhere in the path.


code - string value of ’get’, ’set’ or ’factory’.

dictionary_name’ - name of dictionary file to use


dictionary_name’ - name of dictionary file currently set for dictionaty


Get current dicom dict path:

> f = dicomdict('get')
f = octavedicom.dic

Set a new dictionary:

> dicomdict('set', 'anewdictfile.txt')

See also: dicomread, dicomwrite.

Package: dicom