
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


 Compute a preconditioner using a modified incomplete Cholesky decomposition.

 [M1,M2] = divand_pc_michol(iB,H,R,icholparam)

 Compute preconditioner matrices M1 and M2 based on
 the inverse background error covariance iB, observation operator
 H and observation R covariance R. icholparam is a structure will parameters
 for ichol. The default value is struct('michol','on'). A modified incomplete
 Cholesky factorization of the matrix iP = iB + H'*(R\H) is computed per 
 M2 is the transpose of M1 for this preconditioner.

 The function ichol is necessary.

 See also:
 ichol, divand_pc_sqrtiB

Package: divand