
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [bc] = DirichletBC (FunctionSpace, Function_handle, [Boundaries,] Boundary_Label)

Specify essential boundary condition on a specific side. The input parameters are

  • FunctionSpace is the fem-fenics space where we want to apply the BC
  • Function_handle is a function handle which contains the expression that we want to apply as a BC. If we have a Vector field, we can just use a vector of function handles: Function_handle = [@(x, y) f1, @(x, y) f2, ...]
  • Boundary_Label is an Array which contains the label(s) of the side(s) where the BC has to be applied.
  • Boundaries is an optional MeshFunction storing the markers set on mesh facets. In parallel execution you must supply this argument.

The output bc is an object which contains the boundary conditions

See also: Mesh, FunctionSpace.

Package: fem-fenics