
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [func] = Function (name, FunctionSpace, Vector)
Function File: [func] = Function (name, Function, index)

Initialize an object with the values specified in a vector or extracting a component from a vectorial field. This function can be used in two different ways.

  • To create a function from a vector. In this case, the arguments are:
    • name is a string representing the name of the function;
    • FunctionSpace is the fem-fenics function space where the vector is defined;
    • Vector specifies the values of the coefficients for each basis function of the FunctionSpace.
  • To extract a scalar field from a vectorial one:
    • name is a string representing the name of the function;
    • Function is the vector valued Function;
    • Index contains the index of the scalar field to extract. Indices start from 1.

The output func is an object which contains a representation of the function Vector which can be plotted or saved or passed as argument for a variational problem. Moreover, it is possible to evaluate it on points of its domain.

See also: Constant, Expression, plot, save.

Package: fem-fenics