
Operators and Keywords

Function List:


Function File: [mesh] = Mesh (file)
Function File: [mesh, facets, cells] = Mesh (pet_mesh)

Construct a mesh from file or from (p, e, t) format. The input argument should be either

  • a string, file, containing the name of the file where the mesh is stored in .xml file. If the file is not a .xml file you can try to use the command dolfin-convert directly from the terminal.
  • a PDE-tool like structure with matrix fields (p,e,t), pet_mesh

The output mesh is a representation of the input mesh that is compatible with fem-fenics. Optional outputs facets and cells are MeshFunctions holding the markers extracted from the PDE-tool representation. The easiest way for dealing with meshes is using the msh pkg.

See also: FunctionSpace, DirichletBC.

Package: fem-fenics