Function File: bdates = busdays (sdate, edate)
Function File: bdates = busdays (sdate, edate, bdmode)
Function File: bdates = busdays (sdate, edate, bdmode, holvec)

Generate a list of business dates at the end of the periods defined between (including) sdate and edate.

sdate is the starting date, edate is the ending date, both are in serial date format (see datenum). bdmode is the business day frequency ("daily", "weekly", "monthly", "quarterly", "semiannual", or "annual"); these can be abbreviated by the first letter and they may also use an integer corresponding to the order in the above list (i.e. "daily" = 1). holvec is an optional list of holidays. If the holidays are not given, then the holidays function is used.

See also: holidays, busdate, lbusdate, isbusday, fbusdate, datenum.

Package: financial