Function File: a = newfis (fis_name)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type, and_method)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type, and_method, or_method)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type, and_method, or_method, imp_method)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type, and_method, or_method, imp_method, agg_method)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type, and_method, or_method, imp_method, agg_method, defuzz_method)
Function File: a = newfis (fis_name, fis_type, and_method, or_method, imp_method, agg_method, defuzz_method, fis_version)

Create and return a new FIS structure using the argument values provided. Only the first argument is required. If fewer than eight arguments are given, then some or all of the following default arguments will be used:

  • fis_type = ’mamdani’
  • and_method = ’min’
  • or_method = ’max’
  • imp_method = ’min’
  • agg_method = ’max’
  • defuzz_method = ’centroid’
  • fis_version = 1.0

See also: addmf, addrule, addvar, setfis.

Package: fuzzy-logic-toolkit