Function File: [xs, ys] = unresamp2 (x, y, n)

Perform a uniform resampling of a planar curve. The arrays x and y specify x and y coordinates of the points of the curve. On return, the same curve is approximated by xs, ys that have length n and the distances between successive points are approximately equal.

Demonstration 1

The following code

 R = 2; r = 3; d = 1.5;
 th = linspace (0, 2*pi, 1000);
 x = (R-r) * cos (th) + d*sin ((R-r)/r * th);
 y = (R-r) * sin (th) + d*cos ((R-r)/r * th);
 x += 0.3*exp (-(th-0.8*pi).^2); 
 y += 0.4*exp (-(th-0.9*pi).^2); 
 [xs, ys] = unresamp2 (x, y, 40);
 plot (x, y, "-", xs, ys, "*");
 title ("uniform resampling")

Produces the following figure

Figure 1

Package: general